How To Choose An Accident Claims Solicitor in England and Wales
Look For Expertise
You need to be confident that the Solicitor you are going to approach has expertise in the field of accident claims. You can assess this by reviewing the Solicitor's website before you make contact with them. The following can prove their expertise to you:
A good website.
If your Solicitor has incurred the expense of developing an specialist accident claims website and has taken the time to provide the content for this website, this is a good starting point for showing that he or she has some expertise in this area of law. You do not want a beginner, so if they have no website this should cause you to look for other proof of expertise.
Is It A Good Sized Website?
Whilst it is easy to put up a one or two page website, a real specialist will take the time and effort to add to their website to help their clients. Has your solicitor got more than a one or two page website (and preferably at least 10 pages)? Do they have articles on the website, along with guides helping you to ask the right questions? Each of these points shows that they do specialist in accident claims.
Do they have a broad range of expertise in variety of areas of accident claims?
Everyone knows about car accident and whiplash claims, but do they also have experience in other areas? The more experience they have the more comfortable you can feel. The following areas will show experience:-
Work accident claims
Car accident claims
Motorbike accident
Bicycle accidents
Serious injuries such as head and back injuries
Do they offer a service covering the whole of England and Wales?
Whereas people used to like to choose a local solicitor, now it is often a case that expertise is more important than geography. Would you choose the best surgeon wherever they were in the country, or the one that lived in your road if you had the choice? If you are confident that they have expertise, and they can help you wherever you are in the country, you may have found your ideal accident claims solicitor.
Can You See The Solicitor That You Will Work With?
An accident claim is a personal legal issue. You are most likely to want to know who you are dealing with, and who will help you with your claim. Will the person you initially speak to be dealing with your claim for you or are they going to pass you on to a more junior member of the team? It is best to ask this question at the beginning of the claim rather than later when you might be disappointed.
Easy To Contact
You have had an accident, the solicitor should make it easy for you to get in touch and ask for their help. Do they? Do they provide an email address, a phone number and an enquiry form?
How Much Will It Cost You?
On most occasions you should be able to make a claim for compensation and be certain that you will receive 100% of your compensation. If the first accident claims solicitor you approach cannot guarantee this, perhaps you need to move to the next one on the list.
It should be easy to find a specialist Accident Claims Solicitor - asking these days will help you to feel confident that you have found an expert!