Interactions between Acticoat Flex 3 Dressing topical and topical-silver-topical-sodium-sulfacetamid
Topical Sodium Sulfacetamide/Topical Silver
Medical warning:
Serious. These medicines may interact and cause very harmful effects. Contact your healthcare professional (e.g. doctor or pharmacist) for more information.
How the interaction occurs:
These two topical medicines inactivate each other when applied to the same location.
What might happen:
Your topical medicines may not work as well.
What you should do about this interaction:
Let your healthcare professionals (e.g. doctor or pharmacist) know that you are using these products together. Your doctor may want to change your medicine. Let your doctor know if your skin condition does not get better or if it gets worse.Your healthcare professionals may already be aware of this interaction and may be monitoring you for it. Do not start, stop, or change the dosage of any medicine before checking with them first.
1.Rosula NS (sodium sulfacetamide/urea) US prescribing information. Doak Dermatologics July, 2004.
2.Seb-Prev (sodium sulfacetamide) US prescribing information. Glades Pharmaceuticals September, 2005.