The Health Benefits of Omega 3 Fish Oil Capsules
Omega 3s is necessary for healthy body systems.
They also aid in the prevention of many diseases related to both physical and mental health.
Mental health related conditions that can be treated with Omega 3 fish oil capsules or cured include depression, anxiety and panic attacks.
Omega 3s is also instrumental in lowering blood cholesterol levels and relieving inflammatory diseases like arthritis and cystitis as well as prostatitis.
Those who regularly eat fish or take Omega 3 fish oil capsules are a reduced risk of developing, prostate cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's disease.
They have very good memories and are happier with their lives than those who may be Omega 3 deficient.
The reason pregnant and nursing mother's are advised to either increase their fish intake or to supplements because Omega 3s are necessary for brain health and development as well as for proper cell division.
They also help to support a healthy pregnancy and baby.
A mother's milk is an abundant supply of Omega 3s.
DHA and EPA are two of the most important Omega 3s.
If a baby doesn't get breast milk, s/he could become deficient.
In young children a commonly diagnosed condition is ADD or ADHD.
Omega 3 fish oil capsules have been found to relieve hyperactivity.
This condition has been linked specifically DHA deficient.
The recommended dosage is 3 to 4 fish oil capsules daily.
If the liquid form is being taken 1 tablespoon after each meal is enough to meet the daily requirements.
Of course fish consumption is more advisable for most people.
When searching for a supplement is sure that the oil used is pharmaceutical grade oil.
This oil has been molecularly distilled, a process that heats the oils to extremely high temperatures removing all contaminants and toxins.
It is the only oil approved for human consumption.