How to Fertilize a Blue Duranta

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    • 1). Rake back any mulch from around the base of your duranta in spring once you notice new growth. Rake from the trunk area outward to drag the mulch as far back as the dripline, where the branches no longer reach.

    • 2). Sprinkle slow releasing fertilizer granules over the surface of the exposed soil using a rate of 0.10 pounds of granules for every 100 square feet of space for mature durantas. Use 0.20 pounds per 100 square feet for plants under 5 years old which are still growing.

    • 3). Skip using granules for a more organic application, if desired, by spreading 2 inches of compost or well-rotted manure over the exposed soil. Never spread fresh manure around your shrub.

    • 4). Check to make sure none of the granules, compost or manure is touching the base of your shrub. Direct contact with the feed can cause scalding, causing more harm than good.

    • 5). Push the old mulch back into place over the soil, covering the granules, compost or well-rotted manure or add fresh mulch and remove the old mulch. A solid covering of 3 inches of mulch is sufficient to decrease weeds and hold moisture in the soil.

    • 6). Pull the mulch, whether old or new, back with your hand away from the base of the duranta in a ring about 6 to 10 inches out from the plant. Keeping mulch from touching the plant will keep moisture from building directly against the bark, which can cause disease.

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