Eczema on the Feet - How to Alleviate the Symptoms
Eczema on the feet usually rears it's head in the form of Discoid eczema which appears as small round shaped lesions that are itchy and have the tendency in more severe cases to weep fluid.
Here are some tips that can help you live with discoid eczema on the feet and lower legs.
Eczema on the Feet Tip 1 - Wear Cotton Cotton socks and bedding helps the skin to cool and is generally acknowledged to be the best material to come into contact with areas of eczema.
Wool and other synthetic fibers may potentially irritate the skin and cause outbreaks.
Eczema on the Feet Tip 2 - Washing Powder Be sure to use bio-Degradable washing powder when washing your socks, bed sheets or any other type of clothing.
Non-Bio washing powders can lead to quite severe outbreaks and should be avoided.
Eczema on the Feet Tip 3 - Visit the Chiropodist for a cream You'll need some kind of topical cream or steroid to alleviate itchiness, redness or new outbreaks.
You'll probably be given a topical steroid - this seems to be the most popular path taken.
Apply on a daily basis - twice a day if necessary or as and when required.
Eczema on the Feet Tip 4 - Treat any open cuts or lesions Discoid eczema sometimes weeps - in such instances the area should be treated and dressed.
If left untreated the site could be at risk of infection.
Usually a wipe with some antiseptic is fine but to be sure ask your chiropodist what he / she advises as the correct way to do this.
Here are some tips that can help you live with discoid eczema on the feet and lower legs.
Eczema on the Feet Tip 1 - Wear Cotton Cotton socks and bedding helps the skin to cool and is generally acknowledged to be the best material to come into contact with areas of eczema.
Wool and other synthetic fibers may potentially irritate the skin and cause outbreaks.
Eczema on the Feet Tip 2 - Washing Powder Be sure to use bio-Degradable washing powder when washing your socks, bed sheets or any other type of clothing.
Non-Bio washing powders can lead to quite severe outbreaks and should be avoided.
Eczema on the Feet Tip 3 - Visit the Chiropodist for a cream You'll need some kind of topical cream or steroid to alleviate itchiness, redness or new outbreaks.
You'll probably be given a topical steroid - this seems to be the most popular path taken.
Apply on a daily basis - twice a day if necessary or as and when required.
Eczema on the Feet Tip 4 - Treat any open cuts or lesions Discoid eczema sometimes weeps - in such instances the area should be treated and dressed.
If left untreated the site could be at risk of infection.
Usually a wipe with some antiseptic is fine but to be sure ask your chiropodist what he / she advises as the correct way to do this.