Psoriasis and Alkaline, Ionized Water
The digestive tract is central to health, particularly the intestines.
If they are not in top form, lots of things happen in the body that lead to illness and disease.
Besides the blood and the lymph, the digestive tract uses a large amount of water.
You need approximately two quarts of water just to digest a meal.
Water is also lost from the body through urination, defecation, perspiration and respiration.
The body will pull water from wherever it can, but if there is not enough, certain troubling symptoms start to appear.
According to Dr.
Kenneth Seaton and the book Prostate Health in 90 Days by Larry Clapp, Ph.
, allergies are not caused by allergens such as pollens, house mites, dust or other such substances.
While it is true that these types of things trigger allergic symptoms, the underlying cause is a malfunctioning immune system; "Immunity gone wrong".
And, it is all triggered by a water shortage in the body.
When there is an inner drought, the body actives a neurotransmitter called histamine.
Histamine has two functions, one is to manage the immune system and the other is to manage the available water supply.
Histamine protects vital organs and body processes by practicing drought management.
Histamine activates and we appear to have an allergic response.
But what is more subtle, is when our intestines are affected.
When there is an intestinal water shortage we become more sensitive to triggers called allergens.
We appear to have sensitivities to certain substances which create symptoms in our bodies that make us feel unwell.
The allergen simply triggers an incorrect immune system response.
In a sense, the immune system identifies the harmless allergen and tries to kill it.
The allergic symptoms many of us are so familiar with, runny noses, watery eyes, itching, etc.
, are direct signs of our immune systems trying to kill these harmless substances.
This type of immunological mayhem cannot be separated from the stress put on our immune systems from infections (in many cases sub-clinical infections).
Many auto-immune diseases can be viewed as a severe form of allergy where the immune system attacks its owner.
Psoriasis is one of them.
Let me explain.
Between eighty and ninety percent of your immune system is in your gut.
In simplistic terms, you have an outer mucous layer, a under layer containing zonulin protein and some patches called Payer's Patches.
This area of the intestines must be fully hydrated to function well.
The mucous layer allows the food to slide along the gut and protect the zonulin protein and the Payers Patches.
In a dehydration response, the mucous layer partially dries up.
When you eat scratchy food or strongly harsh foods, you can also damage the mucous layer.
What happens then is the first stage of allergic response.
I use the analogy of a tile floor.
When the floor is new and shiny, the grouting is all in place, there is no way that the subfloor can get dirty.
When the floor is abused, the tiles crack and the grouting starts to fall out, especially when it is dehydrated.
The subfloor starts to collect dirt and debris.
What happens in the gut is that the subfloor, too gets dirty.
This is called leaky gut syndrome and is when allergies and auto-immune problems start.
Leaky gut syndrome is when partially digested food leaks into the cellular lining of the intestinal walls.
Histamine activates its drought management policy because there is a water shortage and.
in addition activates the immune system to kill the invading forces, in this case partially digested food.
In cases of serious allergic reactions, the leaky gut syndrome starts affecting the Payer's Patches.
This is where your immune system starts.
These Patches produce B-lymphocytes, one of the first steps in immune response.
Through a process of chemical and hormonal signaling these produce monocytes, dendrites then signal the thymus to form T-cells.
The T-cells that have the biggest effect on immune disorders are the Natural Killer T-Cells or NKT's.
When the signal goes awry, B-lymphocytes are cranked out of the Payer's Patches in great numbers which, at the end of the hormonal signaling chain, also crank out NKT's.
Unfortunately, this malfunction creates a situation where the NKT's seem to 'think' that they have to respond to the histamine that has gathered as a result of dehydration.
This creates a response that they need to 'eat' whatever has caused the histamine response.
They begin eating whatever they are close to, in this case, the skin, resulting in psoriasis and other skin disorders.
When the skin is dehydrated, it causes histamine to gather in the spots where dehydration is the worst.
The dehydration also activates the immune system which eats away at the layers of skin causing reddening and scaling.
The skin attempts to repair itself by speeding up the cycle of cell replacement and the scaling deepens.
The itching and scaling breaks down the acid mantle on the skin, which further compromises the immune system.
This auto-immune disease started with dehydration and cascaded into skin inflammation.
The dehydration response in the body can simply be relieved with clean, healthy water.
The healthiest water for the body is alkaline, ionized water.
It is split into two streams by an electrolysis unit - one alkaline and the other acidic.
The alkaline water relieves the dehydration because it is broken up into little bunches of water molecules.
These smaller bunches can enter the cells more efficiently.
It is like me saying to you, "Put this apple in your mouth.
" You can't do it, it doesn't fit.
If you cut the apple up into small pieces, they easily fit into your mouth.
Your cells are no different.
The body becomes acidic from dehydration, so when you drink lots (at least half your body weigh in ounces)of alkaline ionized water, the cells become hydrated, the cell function is restored and the histamine response diminishes because it is no longer needed.
To restore the skin's acid mantle and keep the skin moist, the acidic component of the water is dabbed on the skin where the psoriatic lesions are located.
As the skin's pH is restored and is rehydrated from within, the skin starts growing "normal" cells again and the "eating" frenzy stops.
After a while, the skin looks normal again as long as you keep drinking lots of alkaline, ionized water.
A few different food choices help too.
If they are not in top form, lots of things happen in the body that lead to illness and disease.
Besides the blood and the lymph, the digestive tract uses a large amount of water.
You need approximately two quarts of water just to digest a meal.
Water is also lost from the body through urination, defecation, perspiration and respiration.
The body will pull water from wherever it can, but if there is not enough, certain troubling symptoms start to appear.
According to Dr.
Kenneth Seaton and the book Prostate Health in 90 Days by Larry Clapp, Ph.
, allergies are not caused by allergens such as pollens, house mites, dust or other such substances.
While it is true that these types of things trigger allergic symptoms, the underlying cause is a malfunctioning immune system; "Immunity gone wrong".
And, it is all triggered by a water shortage in the body.
When there is an inner drought, the body actives a neurotransmitter called histamine.
Histamine has two functions, one is to manage the immune system and the other is to manage the available water supply.
Histamine protects vital organs and body processes by practicing drought management.
Histamine activates and we appear to have an allergic response.
But what is more subtle, is when our intestines are affected.
When there is an intestinal water shortage we become more sensitive to triggers called allergens.
We appear to have sensitivities to certain substances which create symptoms in our bodies that make us feel unwell.
The allergen simply triggers an incorrect immune system response.
In a sense, the immune system identifies the harmless allergen and tries to kill it.
The allergic symptoms many of us are so familiar with, runny noses, watery eyes, itching, etc.
, are direct signs of our immune systems trying to kill these harmless substances.
This type of immunological mayhem cannot be separated from the stress put on our immune systems from infections (in many cases sub-clinical infections).
Many auto-immune diseases can be viewed as a severe form of allergy where the immune system attacks its owner.
Psoriasis is one of them.
Let me explain.
Between eighty and ninety percent of your immune system is in your gut.
In simplistic terms, you have an outer mucous layer, a under layer containing zonulin protein and some patches called Payer's Patches.
This area of the intestines must be fully hydrated to function well.
The mucous layer allows the food to slide along the gut and protect the zonulin protein and the Payers Patches.
In a dehydration response, the mucous layer partially dries up.
When you eat scratchy food or strongly harsh foods, you can also damage the mucous layer.
What happens then is the first stage of allergic response.
I use the analogy of a tile floor.
When the floor is new and shiny, the grouting is all in place, there is no way that the subfloor can get dirty.
When the floor is abused, the tiles crack and the grouting starts to fall out, especially when it is dehydrated.
The subfloor starts to collect dirt and debris.
What happens in the gut is that the subfloor, too gets dirty.
This is called leaky gut syndrome and is when allergies and auto-immune problems start.
Leaky gut syndrome is when partially digested food leaks into the cellular lining of the intestinal walls.
Histamine activates its drought management policy because there is a water shortage and.
in addition activates the immune system to kill the invading forces, in this case partially digested food.
In cases of serious allergic reactions, the leaky gut syndrome starts affecting the Payer's Patches.
This is where your immune system starts.
These Patches produce B-lymphocytes, one of the first steps in immune response.
Through a process of chemical and hormonal signaling these produce monocytes, dendrites then signal the thymus to form T-cells.
The T-cells that have the biggest effect on immune disorders are the Natural Killer T-Cells or NKT's.
When the signal goes awry, B-lymphocytes are cranked out of the Payer's Patches in great numbers which, at the end of the hormonal signaling chain, also crank out NKT's.
Unfortunately, this malfunction creates a situation where the NKT's seem to 'think' that they have to respond to the histamine that has gathered as a result of dehydration.
This creates a response that they need to 'eat' whatever has caused the histamine response.
They begin eating whatever they are close to, in this case, the skin, resulting in psoriasis and other skin disorders.
When the skin is dehydrated, it causes histamine to gather in the spots where dehydration is the worst.
The dehydration also activates the immune system which eats away at the layers of skin causing reddening and scaling.
The skin attempts to repair itself by speeding up the cycle of cell replacement and the scaling deepens.
The itching and scaling breaks down the acid mantle on the skin, which further compromises the immune system.
This auto-immune disease started with dehydration and cascaded into skin inflammation.
The dehydration response in the body can simply be relieved with clean, healthy water.
The healthiest water for the body is alkaline, ionized water.
It is split into two streams by an electrolysis unit - one alkaline and the other acidic.
The alkaline water relieves the dehydration because it is broken up into little bunches of water molecules.
These smaller bunches can enter the cells more efficiently.
It is like me saying to you, "Put this apple in your mouth.
" You can't do it, it doesn't fit.
If you cut the apple up into small pieces, they easily fit into your mouth.
Your cells are no different.
The body becomes acidic from dehydration, so when you drink lots (at least half your body weigh in ounces)of alkaline ionized water, the cells become hydrated, the cell function is restored and the histamine response diminishes because it is no longer needed.
To restore the skin's acid mantle and keep the skin moist, the acidic component of the water is dabbed on the skin where the psoriatic lesions are located.
As the skin's pH is restored and is rehydrated from within, the skin starts growing "normal" cells again and the "eating" frenzy stops.
After a while, the skin looks normal again as long as you keep drinking lots of alkaline, ionized water.
A few different food choices help too.