Would You Be Satisfied With An 80% Cure for Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease, Celiac Disease

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Have you ever tried to solve a problem and got 80% right but you just couldn't get the last 20%?  I swear it happens to me all the time, with relatively little work I'm able to get the majority right but the last little bit just takes so much work.  The big question is whether 80% is worthwhile?  Obviously it isn't if your car is broke in the middle of the desert but what if you could get 80% of your health back?

For me the answer to the 80 percent question was a solid Yes!  Of course I'm speaking retroactively but honestly 80% maybe 90% of my improvement was the result of one action, Starting and committing to the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.

Based on my results and the success stories of many others I truly feel that the SCD is the best diet choice you could make if your suffering from any digestive problems or digestive diseases.  Such as chronic diarrhea, chronic constipation, gas, bloating, nausea, uncontrollable weight loss, low-energy and stomach pain.  The diet was specifically designed for people with digestive diseases such as Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease and Celiac Disease.

I Want 100 Percent Fix Not A Partial Fix

I applaud your ambition but don't discredit an 80 percent improvement before you've experienced it.  I'm a huge believer that to fix a complex equation there is usually one major low hanging fruit per say that you can grab and see a large improvement.  The other higher up fruits take much more work and result in a significantly reduced return on effort.  In the case of digestion I think that low hanging fruit is diet.

The best part is that the specific carbohydrate diet has already been proven time and time again to offer relief on your symptoms and healthy management of your disease.  It is designed to address all the major aspects of digestion such as inflammation, bacteria overgrowth, yeast and toxins.  In some cases it alone is responsible for a 100% improvement in digestion.  However each individual is different with different amounts of injury and life circumstances so therefore each person may need to make slight tweaks to the SCD diet to get fully picture perfect healthy.

Hold On What About All The Other Medical Treatments?

Research them to the max, but what I've found is it is pretty safe to say that you are not going to cure any digestive disease if you keep your eating your standard American Diet (SAD).  Eating pills and supplements like candy only gets you so far, same goes for exercise, enemas, juicing and fasting.  All of these treatment ideas have merit but none of them can offer you digestive health if you continue to eat toxic foods.

To put this in a different way, almost every natural or medical treatment has merit in very specific cases but in all cases with digestion they still only address about 20% of the problem.  This is because they none of them address the root causes of your problem and focusing your attention on these complex treatments that offer limited returns wastes time and energy if you are not addressing the main component of the problem, diet.

So Food Is Part Of The Problem, But I'm Not Sold On SCD

If you think the Specific Carbohydrate diet is going to be to hard for you, that's fine but it doesn't get you off the hook in my book.  I know the SCD diet works for digestive problems but if you have doubts try any of the following diets.  The take home message is just try something else than the SAD.  Personally I choose SCD because I found it had the most testimonials from people who were facing the same problems I was and had the same symptoms.  The choice is yours but any of the following diets will be an improvement for you (but probably not the full 80):

Gluten free (better than SAD but I don't know anyone who feels 100% healthy on it)

GAPS (created from SCD tailored towards Autism, full of supplements to buy)

Paleo (great diet similar to SCD but not created for digestive problems)

Primal (Again, great diet very similar to SCD but not created for digestive problems)

Look there are many different diets you can try but before you do ask yourself this question.  When you are researching the different diets were there any people who suffered from your EXCAT problems and used their respective diet to heal themselves?  If not be a skeptic, I wasn't looking to blaze a new trail trying to get healthy and I'm assuming unless you're a scientist or doctor your not either.

Before picking a diet above I do want you to think critically about each.  When researching them take a close look at the people who advocate them.  Did they suffer from the exact same problems you have?  This is important because unless you are into being an experimental mule you want to make sure you pick a path that is already figured out.  Please don't get caught up in the advocates goals and successful outcomes.  It is important to realize that you can desire the same outcome as the next person but the steps you take to get there will probably be different unless you are both starting with the same history and state of injury.

All the diets above have merit and will help you start your healing journey.  Any of them are better than the our western diets but if you are interested in getting the full 80% of the low hanging fruit make sure you choose the one that was designed and used by people who suffer from your current problems.

Take Action Today

The paradox of choice can cause many people to get overwhelmed when too many choices are presented to them.  I don't want this to happen to you because it has happened many times to me.  What I've learned is no matter how much research or planning you do you can never know all the facts about a decision until you make it and analyze the outcome.  This can be a scary thought or weirdly it can be comforting knowing that all you need to do is pick one of the diets above try it and then react depending on how your body changes.  Follow these steps to start grabbing the low fruits in your healing tree:

First: Choose one of the diets above to start next week

Second: Research how to do that diet and forget the rest for now

Third: Commit yourself to at least 30 days on your chosen diet

Fourth: If you see positive changes in the first 30 days extend your trial to 90 days, if not reevaluate your experience and try a different diet

If you take anything away from this article remember this: changing your diet to manage the symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease, IBS or Celiac Disease is the most important step you can take.  The choice of diets to try is yours, but of course I'm going to recommend you try the Specific Carbohydrate Diet as it worked for me and for most of the other people I've talked to who've had digestive diseases.

But remember evaluate the information in this article with a skeptical eye just like anything else you research on diets, but if you want to learn more about how the SCD diet cured my digestive problems and how to get started on the diet immediately see below.
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