An Athlete's Guide in Preventing Neck Injuries
Now, sports can definitely contribute to increasing neck injuries in varying severity, from simple neck strain to the more serious cervical spinal cord injuries. Neck fractures are very serious but, in most cases, patients are able to recover through physical therapy Vernon Hills IL without losing any neurological functionality. In worse cases, however, it can lead to paralysis or even death.
Despite its importance to the body, the neck can sometimes be a trouble spot because it can easily be damaged due to its size and structure, not to mention that it is carrying our head that can weigh as much as 19 to 20 pounds. It is no wonder then that neck pain is a common sport problem. For instance, getting tackled in football whilst in the climax of the game could be a literal pain in the neck, so as an athlete, you need to take the initiative to protect this important part of your body. Here are some tips you can do to prevent getting injured on the neck.
1st Tip: Warming up
One of the most important things to do in preventing any injury is warming up, and this becomes even more important as you get older. It should not be limited to just basic stretching because in some cases, it will not be enough especially if the sport is heavy and requires a lot of exertion. A good addition for the warm up exercises could be some aerobics to help ensure a good blood circulation. Otherwise, if you are not feeling good or are fatigued, you should know that the best option is to just back down from doing sports for the day and take a rest.
2nd Tip: Wearing necessary protective headgear and other equipment
When it comes to sports, especially those with gratuitous amounts of contact, safety always comes first. You need to make sure that your headgear provides sufficient protection. Especially helmets—they should fit securely and the straps should always be closed and tightened to avoid falling off.
3rd Tip: When diving, make sure the water is deep enough
When you are into diving sports, always be smart around the water. If the depth of the pool is less than 12 feet or if you are uncertain about how deep it is, do not dive. Additionally, never go swimming, boating or other activities related to the water, or any sports in general, when you are intoxicated with alcohol or other substances.
4th Tip: Take time to research about the best activities that will fit your body's needs
Unfortunately, not all kinds of sports or activities are suitable for everyone. To prevent yourself from exerting more than what you can handle that can eventually lead to development of injuries such as those related with the neck, it is important to ask your doctor about it. Certainly, there may be things you can and cannot do, more so when you have underlying medical conditions especially those affecting the neck, such as arthritis or maybe a hernia on the spinal disk. People afflicted with arthritis in their cervical spine could have a harder time when they are playing sports that require them to look upwards, such as in the case of volleyball and badminton. A person with a disk problem could find themselves suffering from pain with sports that make them look down a lot, like golf.
5th Tip: Football players should be conditioned even more
If you are a football player, you need to have more preconditioning as well as strengthening of the muscles of both your head and neck. Coaches should not encourage players to use the top of their helmets as rams when trying to block, hit, tackle and carry the ball. They should also ensure that all players should be properly equipped, especially for the head and neck area because these are very vulnerable spots. Make sure that the straps are locked to prevent it from falling off while in the heat of the game.
Most often than not, neck pain related to various sports could be treated with adequate rest, as well as physical therapy and some anti-inflammatory medication and, at any given time, these simple ways could have up to 90 percent efficacy. So, if you have spiking pain from your neck that spreads to your arms or shoulders whenever you move, you need to avoid getting involved in strenuous activities or sports at least for a while. It is best to take a rest. If you ever feel numbness, dizziness, weakness and tingling sensations, you might need to see your doctor before going back to your sport, since it could be a sign of a spinal disk problem. This way, you will not make the problem even worse, and by getting only the right treatment from doctors or therapists, you can be rest assured that the long-term repercussions of serious neck injury will be averted.
Despite its importance to the body, the neck can sometimes be a trouble spot because it can easily be damaged due to its size and structure, not to mention that it is carrying our head that can weigh as much as 19 to 20 pounds. It is no wonder then that neck pain is a common sport problem. For instance, getting tackled in football whilst in the climax of the game could be a literal pain in the neck, so as an athlete, you need to take the initiative to protect this important part of your body. Here are some tips you can do to prevent getting injured on the neck.
1st Tip: Warming up
One of the most important things to do in preventing any injury is warming up, and this becomes even more important as you get older. It should not be limited to just basic stretching because in some cases, it will not be enough especially if the sport is heavy and requires a lot of exertion. A good addition for the warm up exercises could be some aerobics to help ensure a good blood circulation. Otherwise, if you are not feeling good or are fatigued, you should know that the best option is to just back down from doing sports for the day and take a rest.
2nd Tip: Wearing necessary protective headgear and other equipment
When it comes to sports, especially those with gratuitous amounts of contact, safety always comes first. You need to make sure that your headgear provides sufficient protection. Especially helmets—they should fit securely and the straps should always be closed and tightened to avoid falling off.
3rd Tip: When diving, make sure the water is deep enough
When you are into diving sports, always be smart around the water. If the depth of the pool is less than 12 feet or if you are uncertain about how deep it is, do not dive. Additionally, never go swimming, boating or other activities related to the water, or any sports in general, when you are intoxicated with alcohol or other substances.
4th Tip: Take time to research about the best activities that will fit your body's needs
Unfortunately, not all kinds of sports or activities are suitable for everyone. To prevent yourself from exerting more than what you can handle that can eventually lead to development of injuries such as those related with the neck, it is important to ask your doctor about it. Certainly, there may be things you can and cannot do, more so when you have underlying medical conditions especially those affecting the neck, such as arthritis or maybe a hernia on the spinal disk. People afflicted with arthritis in their cervical spine could have a harder time when they are playing sports that require them to look upwards, such as in the case of volleyball and badminton. A person with a disk problem could find themselves suffering from pain with sports that make them look down a lot, like golf.
5th Tip: Football players should be conditioned even more
If you are a football player, you need to have more preconditioning as well as strengthening of the muscles of both your head and neck. Coaches should not encourage players to use the top of their helmets as rams when trying to block, hit, tackle and carry the ball. They should also ensure that all players should be properly equipped, especially for the head and neck area because these are very vulnerable spots. Make sure that the straps are locked to prevent it from falling off while in the heat of the game.
Most often than not, neck pain related to various sports could be treated with adequate rest, as well as physical therapy and some anti-inflammatory medication and, at any given time, these simple ways could have up to 90 percent efficacy. So, if you have spiking pain from your neck that spreads to your arms or shoulders whenever you move, you need to avoid getting involved in strenuous activities or sports at least for a while. It is best to take a rest. If you ever feel numbness, dizziness, weakness and tingling sensations, you might need to see your doctor before going back to your sport, since it could be a sign of a spinal disk problem. This way, you will not make the problem even worse, and by getting only the right treatment from doctors or therapists, you can be rest assured that the long-term repercussions of serious neck injury will be averted.