The Essentials Of a Colon Cleanse

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Health supplements and other more natural ways of keeping your body healthy and refreshed have really begun to take hold of our minds in this era. We try our best to eat organically grown foods, avoid junk foods and toxins, and do some exercise every day. However, more than this is the new, or not so new, depending on the perspective, practice of colon cleanse, which can leave you feeling better than ever.

What is a Colon Cleanse?

Colon cleansing is a concept that originated with the Ancient Egyptians, and spread to the ideals of the Ancient Greeks. The idea behind a colon cleanse is the negative concept of auto intoxication. The belief is that there exists a build-up of petrified fecal matter, lining our intestinal walls, which are spreading toxins and poisons into our blood stream. It is believed that our body cannot remove it naturally. This is the idea behind a colon cleanse, which is aimed at cleaning this area, the colon! The Egyptians and Greeks believed that over time, as we eat and as our bodies try to excrete the waste products, some of this waste got trapped in the folds of skin lining the colon and lower intestinal walls. This causes the toxins and poisons within the waste to return to our blood stream, leaving us tired and weak.

What Are the Methods of Colon Cleanse?

There are a few different ways to cleanse your colon, some more natural than others, and as well some more invasive than others. The first method involves you making an appointment with a colonic hydrotherapy clinic. These are the clinics that specialize in colon cleanse. Another word for this method is called a colonic. What is involved in this method is the therapist will insert a hose or tube into your rectum, or bum for the layman, and begin inserting water. This serves to moisten and soften the fecal matter that is stuck in the colon walls, so that it can be flushed out. The second method, and less invasive method, is by means of oral supplements. These can include natural fibre pills, laxatives, and special herbs.

What Can I Expect Exactly?

Depending on which method you use, the results can be more or less invasive. Going to a clinic is the most invasive method, and as such, the least recommended. Sometimes severe problems can occur, such as perforation of the colon walls from an ill-inserted tube, as well as amoebic infections can occur from improperly sterilized tubing. As well, this form of colon cleanse can cause dependence on the practice to defecate, cause anaemia, and malnutrition, if it is done too much. However, cleaning your colon and intestines is good for your body, and as such, the oral method of colonic cleansing is a good way. It only involves taking pills, or even just eating a specific diet for a few weeks, in order to remove the fecal matter within your system.

All in all, colonic cleansing has some risks. However, depending on whichcolon cleanse method you choose, these risks can be significantly reduced, allowing you to reap the benefits of keeping your body clean, inside and out.
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