Your Skin is Normal - It Still Needs Special Attention and Maintenance to Keep it Healthy
If you are in the population of people who have normal skin, you are lucky and part of a rare crowd.
Hold your head up and be proud.
The rest of the world envies you.
What is normal skin? Normal skin has a smooth texture and does not present with shiny spots or dry patches.
It has a great tone because the skin is healthy from the inside out.
Normal skin has very small pores that are barely visible and is the easiest of skin types to maintain.
When you were young and was lucky enough to be born with normal skin your routine before school and before bed was a quick wash of the face, sometimes with just plain water.
As you aged and got into your 20's the routine didn't change much other then you may have added a toner and a daily moisturizer and an occasional facial to just give it an added boost to already terrific skin.
In your 30's, your routine still remained basically the same, except you may have upped your facials a little and added a night time moisturizer to your routine.
In your 40's, although still presenting with over all great skin you are starting to see the fine signs of aging.
What was once basically problematic skin is now presenting with problems.
Between aging affects, lifestyle, and the environment, you are now faced with having to re-evaluate your skin care routine.
There is no getting around aging, our skin texture, tone, moisture, and well face it basically everything begins to change in our skin.
Once what was normal skin is showing signs of dry spots with occasional redness.
Youth has been over taken by mature skin.
Moreover, with this transformation, along with the sadness, we have to change our skin care routine from the once low maintenance 3 minute splash and go to a more mature and thorough skin care routine.
Caring for normal skin as a matured person means targeting those signs of age.
With properly taking care of our much-loved normal matured skin, you can fight back the signs of age and still have great looking skin.
First, you have to look at what is going on inside of the body when you age, metabolism slows down, blood circulation has a tendency to slow; everything starts to slow down which all effects how well our skin rejuvenates itself and holds moisture.
The lack of moisture and tone to your facial skin leads to those fine lines that eventually turn in to wrinkles and later deep crevices if not addressed properly.
All the years of laughter show in your smile lines, sadness shows in your frown lines, and there is the crows feet, adult acne, age spots, and well if that isn't enough to scare your straight into taking proper care of your matured skin, nothing will.
Caring for your skin can slow down the signs of aging.
Receiving regular facials and using products geared towards the signs of aging will help you maintain healthier skin.
By using a product with vitamin A (retinoid) to exfoliate dead skin cells and increase vascular flow, you will begin to get the glow back to your skin.
By following up with a resurfacing product with pure glycolic acid to remove dead surface skin cells will allow new skin cells to come to the surface as well as helps moisturizer penetrate deeper into the skin layers.
Follow up with a moisturizer high in natural antioxidants such as Lycopene, which is also a natural UVA and UVB protection so it doubles for your sun needs as well.
With these botanicals, you will start to see the signs of age turn back as the look of fine lines and wrinkles shrink away, and age spots begin to fade and become a distant bad memory.
One thing is for sure.
You do not need to settle with aging skin and you can recapture that normal skin you had grown to adore with a proper skin care routine in caring for your normal skin, matured or not.
Hold your head up and be proud.
The rest of the world envies you.
What is normal skin? Normal skin has a smooth texture and does not present with shiny spots or dry patches.
It has a great tone because the skin is healthy from the inside out.
Normal skin has very small pores that are barely visible and is the easiest of skin types to maintain.
When you were young and was lucky enough to be born with normal skin your routine before school and before bed was a quick wash of the face, sometimes with just plain water.
As you aged and got into your 20's the routine didn't change much other then you may have added a toner and a daily moisturizer and an occasional facial to just give it an added boost to already terrific skin.
In your 30's, your routine still remained basically the same, except you may have upped your facials a little and added a night time moisturizer to your routine.
In your 40's, although still presenting with over all great skin you are starting to see the fine signs of aging.
What was once basically problematic skin is now presenting with problems.
Between aging affects, lifestyle, and the environment, you are now faced with having to re-evaluate your skin care routine.
There is no getting around aging, our skin texture, tone, moisture, and well face it basically everything begins to change in our skin.
Once what was normal skin is showing signs of dry spots with occasional redness.
Youth has been over taken by mature skin.
Moreover, with this transformation, along with the sadness, we have to change our skin care routine from the once low maintenance 3 minute splash and go to a more mature and thorough skin care routine.
Caring for normal skin as a matured person means targeting those signs of age.
With properly taking care of our much-loved normal matured skin, you can fight back the signs of age and still have great looking skin.
First, you have to look at what is going on inside of the body when you age, metabolism slows down, blood circulation has a tendency to slow; everything starts to slow down which all effects how well our skin rejuvenates itself and holds moisture.
The lack of moisture and tone to your facial skin leads to those fine lines that eventually turn in to wrinkles and later deep crevices if not addressed properly.
All the years of laughter show in your smile lines, sadness shows in your frown lines, and there is the crows feet, adult acne, age spots, and well if that isn't enough to scare your straight into taking proper care of your matured skin, nothing will.
Caring for your skin can slow down the signs of aging.
Receiving regular facials and using products geared towards the signs of aging will help you maintain healthier skin.
By using a product with vitamin A (retinoid) to exfoliate dead skin cells and increase vascular flow, you will begin to get the glow back to your skin.
By following up with a resurfacing product with pure glycolic acid to remove dead surface skin cells will allow new skin cells to come to the surface as well as helps moisturizer penetrate deeper into the skin layers.
Follow up with a moisturizer high in natural antioxidants such as Lycopene, which is also a natural UVA and UVB protection so it doubles for your sun needs as well.
With these botanicals, you will start to see the signs of age turn back as the look of fine lines and wrinkles shrink away, and age spots begin to fade and become a distant bad memory.
One thing is for sure.
You do not need to settle with aging skin and you can recapture that normal skin you had grown to adore with a proper skin care routine in caring for your normal skin, matured or not.