Skin Care Dos and Don"ts
Here are a couple of Skin Care Dos and Don'ts that should help keep your skin glowing and youthful.
And let's be honest, who doesn't want that? 1.
Don't Pop Pimples Ok, ok, sometimes you are going to really want to and sometimes you won't be able to think about much else until you get rid of.
In these cases, go ahead and pop it - but be smart about how you do it! Wash your hands before and after and stop squeezing when you see clear liquid or blood.
That said, if you can resist, it's better not to pop.
Your skin will heal faster and be less likely to scar.
Stay Hydrated Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
This will help deliver moisture to your skin.
Technically, not over-indulging in alcohol is also a good idea - but let's be serious, most of us like to treat ourselves to a drink or two.
So, if you're going to drink, just be sure to also drink a lot of water to replenish the hydration lost.
This is good for your skin, and your hangover! 3.
Eat Well So many vitamins and minerals contribute to skin health, so if you don't eat well you are depriving your bodies of much-needed nutrients.
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and skip the junk food when you can.
Your skin (and the rest of your body) will thank you! 4.
Go to Sleep Nobody likes dark circles and unsightly bags.
You can buy a lot of different creams, lotions, and ointments to deal with this problem - or you could take the economical (not to mention more effective) route and just get some sleep! 5.
Use Quality Products We're not saying you have to buy only swanky, designer products - just that you should look for cleansers and lotions that suit your individual skin care needs.
Also, choose a moisturizer with an SPF component and apply every morning - even when it's cloudy!
And let's be honest, who doesn't want that? 1.
Don't Pop Pimples Ok, ok, sometimes you are going to really want to and sometimes you won't be able to think about much else until you get rid of.
In these cases, go ahead and pop it - but be smart about how you do it! Wash your hands before and after and stop squeezing when you see clear liquid or blood.
That said, if you can resist, it's better not to pop.
Your skin will heal faster and be less likely to scar.
Stay Hydrated Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
This will help deliver moisture to your skin.
Technically, not over-indulging in alcohol is also a good idea - but let's be serious, most of us like to treat ourselves to a drink or two.
So, if you're going to drink, just be sure to also drink a lot of water to replenish the hydration lost.
This is good for your skin, and your hangover! 3.
Eat Well So many vitamins and minerals contribute to skin health, so if you don't eat well you are depriving your bodies of much-needed nutrients.
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and skip the junk food when you can.
Your skin (and the rest of your body) will thank you! 4.
Go to Sleep Nobody likes dark circles and unsightly bags.
You can buy a lot of different creams, lotions, and ointments to deal with this problem - or you could take the economical (not to mention more effective) route and just get some sleep! 5.
Use Quality Products We're not saying you have to buy only swanky, designer products - just that you should look for cleansers and lotions that suit your individual skin care needs.
Also, choose a moisturizer with an SPF component and apply every morning - even when it's cloudy!