How does intense pulsed light therapy differ from typical laser hair removal?
Although some people may think that intense pulse light therapy is a form a laser hair removal, it actually doesn't use a laser. Instead, this uses intense light flashes of multiple wavelengths.
The intense pulsed light machine uses a xenon lamp and focus optics to target the hair roots with a full spectrum of light pulses. By narrowing down the types of wavelengths with filters, the IPL machine can maximize the amount of light absorption into the skin and minimize the amount of damage or discoloration.
As the light is absorbed into the skin, it is converted into heat energy. The hair would then quickly absorb the heat and transfer the heat to the surrounding skin cells. This heat would then denature the skin cells, preventing any further hair regrowth.
As stated previously, intense pulse light therapy is a much different process than laser hair removal. Rather than using lasers to loosen the hair follicles, the IPL uses light absorption.
IPL treatment is a long process. Patients must attend multiple treatment sessions. The time duration varies, depending on which part of the body needs the hair removed. Facial treatments can wait about 10 minutes, while legs and the entire back can take about an hour.
Patients also have to wait six to 24 months for the hair to regrow before they treat the hair again. After three to five treatments, doctors will have finally removed the specific area of hair for good. Intense pulsed light treatments take a very long time, but people can often see the results immediately after the first visit.
Although IPL is an effective method, it may cause discoloration for darker-skinned patients. This is because IPL consists of a broader ranger of wavelengths than a laser. As a result, IPLs may not be able to optimize the wavelengths to treat these specific melanin pigments.
For instance, IPLs cannot treat different colors of hair. These devices can quickly remove dark-colored hairs, but they cannot treat grey or red hair. Patients could try to remove the hairs through electrolysis, although.
IPL is only about 10 years old. Researchers are still studying these devices to understand the effects of intense pulse light therapy. Some of the side effects so far include redness, irritated skin and unwanted changes in skin color.
The results are well worth the time and effort taken to remove the hair. Laser hair removal especially helps people with hypertrychosis (hirsuitism for females), a disease which causes the excessive growth of hair on the body. Unlike shaving and using hair removal creams that only remove hair temporarily, the IPL method is nearly 80 percent permanent.
Like other forms of hair removal, it is best for patients to ask their doctor which procedure is best. Not every clinic is necessarily trustworthy and some doctors are not nearly as proficient in using intense pulsed light machines.
The intense pulsed light machine uses a xenon lamp and focus optics to target the hair roots with a full spectrum of light pulses. By narrowing down the types of wavelengths with filters, the IPL machine can maximize the amount of light absorption into the skin and minimize the amount of damage or discoloration.
As the light is absorbed into the skin, it is converted into heat energy. The hair would then quickly absorb the heat and transfer the heat to the surrounding skin cells. This heat would then denature the skin cells, preventing any further hair regrowth.
As stated previously, intense pulse light therapy is a much different process than laser hair removal. Rather than using lasers to loosen the hair follicles, the IPL uses light absorption.
IPL treatment is a long process. Patients must attend multiple treatment sessions. The time duration varies, depending on which part of the body needs the hair removed. Facial treatments can wait about 10 minutes, while legs and the entire back can take about an hour.
Patients also have to wait six to 24 months for the hair to regrow before they treat the hair again. After three to five treatments, doctors will have finally removed the specific area of hair for good. Intense pulsed light treatments take a very long time, but people can often see the results immediately after the first visit.
Although IPL is an effective method, it may cause discoloration for darker-skinned patients. This is because IPL consists of a broader ranger of wavelengths than a laser. As a result, IPLs may not be able to optimize the wavelengths to treat these specific melanin pigments.
For instance, IPLs cannot treat different colors of hair. These devices can quickly remove dark-colored hairs, but they cannot treat grey or red hair. Patients could try to remove the hairs through electrolysis, although.
IPL is only about 10 years old. Researchers are still studying these devices to understand the effects of intense pulse light therapy. Some of the side effects so far include redness, irritated skin and unwanted changes in skin color.
The results are well worth the time and effort taken to remove the hair. Laser hair removal especially helps people with hypertrychosis (hirsuitism for females), a disease which causes the excessive growth of hair on the body. Unlike shaving and using hair removal creams that only remove hair temporarily, the IPL method is nearly 80 percent permanent.
Like other forms of hair removal, it is best for patients to ask their doctor which procedure is best. Not every clinic is necessarily trustworthy and some doctors are not nearly as proficient in using intense pulsed light machines.