Reality Therapy Techniques
Reality Therapy techniques teach that we have five basic needs.
These needs are widely accepted.
They are power, love, freedom, fun, and survival.
These are the things that we are constantly seeking in life, whether we realize it or not.
The problem is that we don't do a very good job sometimes of reaching them.
This brings problems ranging from mild depression to complete departure from reality.
Brought Face To Face With Reality So we need to be asked what we want and what we are doing to get it.
The final question about whether what we are doing is working is the clincher.
That will bring us face to face with whether we are approaching reality in an effective way.
If we are not, we need to do something different.
If we continue to do what we've always done, we will continue to get what we've always got.
Taking Responsibility Accepting the responsibility to do something different is at the core of Reality Therapy techniques.
We need to concentrate on what we can do instead of what we believe everybody else ought to do.
To do these things, to make these changes in our lives, is the key to making huge strides toward fulfilling our basic needs and getting what we really want.
We Are Only Responsible For Us This means we must come to a realization that we cannot control other people.
Manipulation only alienates us from others and leads to endless anguish and frustration.
Truthfully, we are the only persons we can control.
Face To Face With Our Dreams Reality Therapy techniques are a great way to rescue those of us who are traveling down the primrose path of irresponsible actions.
They can be the splash of cold water that brings us back to the sunny shores of sanity.
Reality can be a wonderful place with the right perspective, even if it is harsh.
Facing it heroically will bring meaning and dignity to our lives and guide us straight to the fulfillment of our deepest needs.
These needs are widely accepted.
They are power, love, freedom, fun, and survival.
These are the things that we are constantly seeking in life, whether we realize it or not.
The problem is that we don't do a very good job sometimes of reaching them.
This brings problems ranging from mild depression to complete departure from reality.
Brought Face To Face With Reality So we need to be asked what we want and what we are doing to get it.
The final question about whether what we are doing is working is the clincher.
That will bring us face to face with whether we are approaching reality in an effective way.
If we are not, we need to do something different.
If we continue to do what we've always done, we will continue to get what we've always got.
Taking Responsibility Accepting the responsibility to do something different is at the core of Reality Therapy techniques.
We need to concentrate on what we can do instead of what we believe everybody else ought to do.
To do these things, to make these changes in our lives, is the key to making huge strides toward fulfilling our basic needs and getting what we really want.
We Are Only Responsible For Us This means we must come to a realization that we cannot control other people.
Manipulation only alienates us from others and leads to endless anguish and frustration.
Truthfully, we are the only persons we can control.
Face To Face With Our Dreams Reality Therapy techniques are a great way to rescue those of us who are traveling down the primrose path of irresponsible actions.
They can be the splash of cold water that brings us back to the sunny shores of sanity.
Reality can be a wonderful place with the right perspective, even if it is harsh.
Facing it heroically will bring meaning and dignity to our lives and guide us straight to the fulfillment of our deepest needs.