Pulled Hamstring Pain
- The hamstring muscles allow the knee joint to close and work opposite the quadriceps muscles; pain from a hamstring pull can make it difficult for the knee joint to function normally.
- Pulled hamstrings typically occur when the hamstring muscles are overstressed suddenly, such as from lifting a large amount of weight or sprinting, which typically results in stabbing pain in the muscle.
- Hamstring pulls are graded based on severity. Type 1 consists of minor muscle tearing and minimal pain; type 2 consists of partial muscle tearing and noticeable pain when the muscle is engaged; and type 3 consisted of severe tearing or a complete rupture, which can lead to severe pain.
- Any hamstring pull, even a minor one is likely to produce significant pain at the time of injury. Icing the muscle and taking anti-inflammatory medication can help reduce swelling and control pain in the hamstring.
- The hamstrings are more likely to be strained if they are inflexible. Stretching before and after physical activity and avoiding activity when you are fatigued can help prevent hamstring pulls.