Identifying and Fighting a Toddler Yeast Infection

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When you think of a yeast infection, you probably think of it as a disorder that strikes women.
You'd be partially right.
It does strike women, but they aren't the only ones who get these infections.
Men can get them, and so can children.
All it takes is a warm, moist environment, and the yeast that is in our bodies naturally can start an infection.
This usually happens when a child is taking antibiotics which kill both the good and bad bacteria.
Without the good bacteria to keep the yeast under control, the child becomes at risk for an infection.
This same scenario is true for babies being nursed by a mother who is taking antibiotics.
Toddlers have two areas that provide the proper environment for a yeast infection to get started.
One is around the mouth, and the other is the area that is covered by the diaper.
Inside the mouth the condition is called Thrush.
The symptoms include white spots on the tongue and gums.
In the diaper area, you need to be able to make the distinction between yeast infection and diaper rash, both of which have similar symptoms.
Diaper rash comes on suddenly and goes away quickly.
Toddler yeast infections, on the other hand, start gradually and can become much more severe without the proper treatment.
So how do you treat toddler yeast infection? Start by keeping the child's bottom as clean and dry as possible.
If you can, allow the child to wear no diaper for extended periods of time.
This will help to dry up the infection.
Change the child's diaper often so that he doesn't have to sit around in a wet diaper for long periods of time.
Using baby powder will also help keep the area dry.
Giving your toddler a bath in a tub of warm water with 1/2 cup of vinegar in it will be a natural treatment for yeast infection.
Vinegar kills many types of bacteria, fungus, and mold.
Since yeast infection is caused by a fungus, vinegar can be a very effective treatment.
In addition, there are topical anti-fungal creams you can purchase over-the-counter.
If the yeast infection doesn't begin to clear up within a few days of starting treatment, take your child to see your doctor.
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