How to Change the Rank Image Settings in vBulletin
- 1). Log onto your vBulletin powered website using your administrator credentials. The "Admin Control Panel" screen will display.
- 2). Click the "User Ranks" link in the left pane on the screen. A sub-menu will appear below the "User Ranks" link.
- 3). Click the "User Ranks Manager" link in the sub-menu. Click "Edit" next to the rank type that you are going to edit. The "User Rank" screen will appear.
- 4). Click on the "User Rank File Path" field and type the path to the new image. For example, if the rank image is named "admin_rank.jpg" and is located in the image folder on your vBulletin website, you would type "image/admin_rank.jpg."
- 5). Click the "Save" button to save these changes.