How to Get Your Girlfriend Back - This is Not the Same Old Way
Be prepared to do some unconventional things to give yourself the best chance at having her back.
Don't listen to what your friends tell you, however well meaning they may be.
The fact is that they most likely don't have the experience or the answers that will help you here.
After all, how many times have they lost a girl, then gotten her back? Not many, I'll wager.
You see, the thing is that the one thing that you want to do the most, and one of the absolute worst things you can do in this situation, is to keep calling her, texting her or writing her emails.
Just plain stop, cold turkey, like you were quitting smoking.
Once you've stopped communicating with her, or trying to, you can begin the next step in your quest.
You see, it's just human nature to try harder when you're not getting what you want.
In this case you want your girlfriend back, so you push harder, but that's going to have the opposite effect.
Instead you have to give her some time apart from you for a while, just like she's been asking for.
It's good for you too, because you have to take a few steps back and get a handle on things.
One of the first casualties in a broken relationship for the one getting dumped is confidence.
Yours has probably taken a beating.
That's counter productive, because one of the strongest things that attracts a woman to a man is the confidence he projects.
Lose that and your attractiveness factor takes a nosedive.
Your number one task is to get the confidence back.
As painful as it may be, you have to think about other things, get out, and find some activities you enjoy to occupy your time and more importantly, your mind.
Thinking about her all the time is a recipe for disaster if you're trying to get your girlfriend back.
You can't regain your old self if you're constantly reminding yourself about how much you miss her and want to hold her close again.
Sports are great, especially if you need a competitive outlet.
You'll be in a social setting, and if you're the competitive type you'll have something else to focus your energy on instead of your ex.
So, your task for today is to stop thinking about her and go find something else to do.
Go skiing, biking, play some football or basketball, ride a motorcycle or a horse, get into the ring, or pretty much anything that will take your mind off her and give you something else to focus on.
The other thing is to remember the confidence you used to have and concentrate on getting it back, you can do it, and you must, if you want to have any chance of being back together again.
If you want to know how to get your girlfriend back, that is the big first step.