Cleansing Your Body Internally for Optimum Health
These toxins and pollutants come to us in the water we drink; the food we eat; the air we breathe; the jewelry with which we adorn ourselves; the amalgams and composites we have had installed in our teeth; the clothes we wear; the detergents and soaps with which we clean; the deodorants, antiperspirants, perfumes, colognes, body lotions and other body products we use; the materials from which our homes and furnishings are made; etc.
This compromising of our immune systems has allowed various foreign parasites and pathogens to take up residence in our bodies.
The classification "parasites" can further be divided into protozoa, roundworms, flatworms, tapeworms, and mites.
The pathogens include bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds, and yeast.
These foreign toxins and foreign invaders, either individually or in combination with others, have led to or contributed greatly to many of our chronic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, HIV, AIDS, asthma, heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, etc.
In order to regain our health, we must cleanse our bodies of as many of these foreign toxins and foreign invaders as we can.
The information provided herein will teach you how to prevent many of the foreign toxins and pollutants from entering your body.
It will also teach you how to perform three (3) of the most important and most beneficial internal cleanses you can perform.
These are the Parasite and Pathogen Extermination and Cleanse, the Kidney Cleanse, and the Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse/Flush.
(Note: These cleanses are designed to improve the health and well-being of relatively healthy individuals-not individuals with serious chronic diseases.
Although individuals with serious chronic diseases would surely benefit from the effects of performing these three cleanses, they would probably require more comprehensive versions of the Parasite and Pathogen Extermination and Cleanse [as well as other protocols used in conjunction with it] in order to obtain complete relief.
More comprehensive versions of the Parasite and Pathogen Extermination and Cleanse and other associated protocols targeted at specific diseases should be available on this Web site in the near future.
) (Warning! If an individual with a serious chronic disease performs the Parasite and Pathogen Extermination and Cleanse, he must closely monitor his condition to ensure that cleansing his body of parasites and pathogens does not affect the effects of any medications he may be taking.
For example, if an individual has diabetes, he must monitor his glucose level closely.
If his adrenal glands begin producing more insulin as a direct result of cleansing parasites and pathogens from them, he must ensure that he does not ingest too much more insulin on his own.
Otherwise, the consequences could be tragic! If you have a serious chronic disease for which you are taking medication, make sure that your medication will not adversely affect you if your condition were to suddenly improve as a result of cleansing your body of unwanted parasites and pathogens using the Parasite and Pathogen Extermination and Cleanse.
) The Parasite and Pathogen Extermination and Cleanse The Parasite and Pathogen Extermination and Cleanse was designed to exterminate and eliminate unwanted parasites, bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds and yeast from your body.
It accomplishes this task by using a combination of very powerful herbs, as well as a painless electronic method.
After an initial five (5) day treatment, you will want to perform weekly treatments upon yourself to ensure the extermination and elimination of any new parasites and pathogens you might have acquired in the interim.
The initial cost of all of the supplements and equipment necessary to perform the Parasite and Pathogen Extermination and Cleanse is well under $200.
This includes the cost of the electronic device.
None of these items are being offered by Health Basics 101, but the Extermination and Cleanse includes the best places to obtain them.
The Kidney Cleanse The Kidney Cleanse is comprised of a potion made of a combination of powerful roots and a powerful herb taken over a six (6)-week period.
This potion will dissolve and eliminate any crystals or stones which might have accumulated in your kidneys and permit them to function optimally.
Most lower back pain stems from accumulations in the kidneys compromising their ability to function properly.
Performing the Kidney Cleanse will eliminate most lower back pain.
The initial cost of all of the supplements necessary to perform the Kidney Cleanse is well under $100.
None of these items are being offered by Health Basics 101, but the Kidney Cleanse includes the best places to obtain them.
The Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse/Flush The Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse/Flush (which is conducted every two weeks) permits you to flush from your liver and gallbladder unwanted material which impairs your liver's ability to function.
Much of this unwanted material will eventually lead to the formation of gallstones.
Cleansing your liver of this unwanted material will greatly improve your digestion.
This is one of the most beneficial things that you can do improve your general health and well-being.
Most upper back, shoulder and upper arm pain is caused by deposits in the liver preventing it from functioning properly.
Performing repeated Liver and Gallbladder Cleanses/Flushes will eliminate most of these pains.
Performing them will also eliminate most of your allergies.
The more deposits you remove from your liver, the fewer allergies you will have.
A substance called bile is produced in the liver.
Bile assists in the digestion of fat and protein.
It is stored in the gallbladder, which is connected to the liver via the common bile duct.
After you eat fat or protein, the gallbladder squeezes bile into the common bile duct where it travels to the intestine to aid in the digestion of it.
In addition to being a major component of your digestive system, your liver is also your body's most important cleansing organ.
Parasite and pathogen remnants (after they have been exterminated by your immune system) and toxins are regularly transported to the liver by your vascular system (blood) and by your lymphatic system (lymph).
Most of the toxins and parasite and pathogen remnants which have been transported to the liver by the blood and lymph are sent into the digestive tract for elimination.
However, scientists have discovered that some bacteria become encapsulated in the liver instead, forming little soft balls.
Because the coatings of these little balls are sticky, they often clump together.
Over time, these balls can calcify and harden and then become stones.
After they do, they can be detected on x-ray scans.
These balls and stones can clog many of the bile ducts located in the liver, thereby reducing its effectiveness.
They can also clog the common bile duct and the gallbladder.
A relatively common remedy these days for a clogged gallbladder is to have the gallbladder surgically removed! That seems like an extremely drastic measure to take, especially when one considers the fact that removal of the gallbladder does nothing to address the formation of the balls and stones in the liver in the first place.
The balls and stones form because of all of the toxins and pathogens which have been transported to the liver for elimination into the digestive system.
Repeated Liver Cleanses/Flushes will remove the balls and stones from your liver, your gallbladder, and your common bile duct and eliminate them through your digestive system.
The initial cost of all of the supplements necessary to perform the Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse/Flush is well under $100.
None of these items are being offered by Health Basics 101, but the Cleanse/Flush includes the best places to obtain them.
The Proper Sequence of the Exterminations, Cleanses, and Flushes Please be advised that the proper sequence of the exterminations, cleanses, and flushes are as follows: First, perform the Parasite and Pathogen Extermination and Cleanse; then, perform the Kidney Cleanse; then, perform the Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse/Flush.
The Parasite and Pathogen Extermination and Cleanse must be performed before the Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse/Flush because it is very difficult to cleanse and flush the liver while there are still parasite stages or pathogens residing in it.
Therefore, they must be exterminated and removed first.
The Kidney Cleanse must be performed prior to the Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse/Flush being performed because many toxins and parasite and pathogen remnants will be removed from the liver during the cleanse/flush.
Many of these toxins and remnants will pass through the kidneys on their way to the bladder for elimination.
Therefore, the kidneys need to be cleaned and strengthened in order to handle the extra loads that will be coming to it from the liver.