Best 3 Strategies to Win the Ex Back
Nothing is accomplished that brings the ex back any faster.
However there are a few proven strategies that will help you win the ex back in record time.
Starting off the process it is best to avoid arguments with the ex.
Being in the ex face and nagging or accusing him at every opportunity will definitely increase the risk of destroying any changes of getting the ex back.
Neither side will win an argument and only anger and insult will grow, not a quick return to hugs and kisses.
It is best to simply apologize and say you're sorry.
However, the very thought of an apology is a challenge for most people because they feel they are accepting responsibility for something that wasn't their doing.
Actually, a well delivered apology immediately takes the energy out of an ex who is holding a practiced list of defensive rebuttals.
The apology works because it is a powerful way of disarming the ex long enough to give you the opportunity to take your power back without a fight.
All you do is email the ex or write a note and drop it on his desk or leave a voice mail.
Just say, "I'm sorry that we had to end this way," and Don't Add Another Word.
This final step is the most important.
Now you must stay away.
Space and distance are what is needed at this point.
Do not be accessible.
Don't answer the phone or return text messages, and definitely don't call or text the ex for the next 2 weeks.
Go running or take long walks during the day.
Tutor home bound adults, but whatever you do, keep some space between you and your ex and let his curiosity and desire build.
You can use this time to experience a different side of your life.
Spend some quiet time just for you.
Learn about the strengths and talents you have been carrying that have been trying to escape.