Did You Stumble Over Boxes At Work? You May Be Able To File For a Compensation Claim
This means that you have the freedom to pursue an injury claim against your employer.
It is also legally recognised that your employer should heed to claims from the workers.
Thus, when claims are posted they need to alert the insurers of the claims and necessary steps taken to offer for compensation.
Do you know that you could stumble over boxes at work and get injured? This might sound to be a minor issue that you can just ignore and continue working but you should take time to think over the way the accident might occur.
Take for example you trip and fall on a hard surface.
Chances are that you will face complications on your head.
Also, you might injure sensitive parts of your body including the ears and eyes.
This implies that you should file for an injury claim when faced with accidents such as tripping.
You can never predict the time that you will trip at work.
Probably your workmates have left their bags on the floor and while walking you trip and fall down.
If you get injured in the process, you have the right to sue for compensation.
This is because your employer is considered to be liable for the actions of their employees.
Hence, your workmate will not be liable for forgetting to store their bags in a place that is normally allocated.
Your employer has a duty to warrant that measures are put in place to guarantee safe environment at work.
Likely injuries to be faced The injuries that you might face as a result of an accident at work include; breaking a bone in your body, bruises, sprains etc.
Injuries could be serious to those that work in industries.
In all instances, the manager is responsible to offer for compensation to the employees.
Placing hazards on risky areas It should be noted that your employer should depict efforts to minimise the occurrence of accidents at work.
Thus, they should place hazards in places where you can stumble and fall.
This will help reduce the risks to be faced by employees at work.
Nevertheless, if you still fall even after the hazards have been installed, you can still claim for compensation.
A lawyer will help you out in winning a case against your manager despite the efforts that they show in trying to reduce accidents.