Best Ways to Lose Weight Fast For Women Over 160 Pounds - the "Hyper" Method to Slim Down
Here are some of the best ways to lose weight if you're a woman who weighs over 160 pounds.
You'll slim down fast using the "Hyper" Method.
Best Ways to Lose Weight Fast The "Hyper" method requires that you blitz (attack) weight loss with focus for 10 days straight.
If you can do this, you WILL lose weight fast.
Listen, you need to shock your body into giving up that extra fat.
It doesn't want to.
It's a survival mechanism to keep that fat.
Your body is trying to do you a favor.
You're thinking, "well gee, thanks a lot body!" So here is the Hyper Method...
Twice a day, do 5 minutes of hindu squats Ok, that's a total of 10 minutes.
That's not much, admit it! But it's intense.
Hindu squats create a massive oxygen deficit which creates a "hyper" fat loss condition within your body.
Hindu squats are easy to do...
they're bodyweight squats.
Squat up and down as fast as you can.
Do as many as you can in 5 minutes.
Within a week you should be able to do 100 squats.
That should be your goal.
That's when fat loss really takes off...
when you can do 100 in 5 minutes.
Remember, do this twice a day.
Once in the morning and once at night is perfect.
Use 2 minutes of free time to keep up the attack on your body fat 2 minute mini-workouts are a great way to radically speed up your metabolism.
It's like your body keeps getting assaulted until it just gives up and stays at the new, faster metabolism speed.
For this to work effectively, it's best to use tv commercials as an indicator to workout...
or you'll tend to forget to do these 2 minute workout.
So I give you permission to watch tv.
workout during the 2 minute commercials.
I prefer to use a mini-trampoline.
It's perfect for this type of plan.
Just set it in front of the tv and get jumping.
You could easily get in 40 minutes of jumping (20 commercials) everyday without sweating and without any time hassles.
This should give you some ideas for weight loss.
Look, I consider these 2 things combined the best ways to lose weight fast...
especially for busy women who weigh over 160 pounds.
You'll slim down fast using the "Hyper" Method.
Best Ways to Lose Weight Fast The "Hyper" method requires that you blitz (attack) weight loss with focus for 10 days straight.
If you can do this, you WILL lose weight fast.
Listen, you need to shock your body into giving up that extra fat.
It doesn't want to.
It's a survival mechanism to keep that fat.
Your body is trying to do you a favor.
You're thinking, "well gee, thanks a lot body!" So here is the Hyper Method...
Twice a day, do 5 minutes of hindu squats Ok, that's a total of 10 minutes.
That's not much, admit it! But it's intense.
Hindu squats create a massive oxygen deficit which creates a "hyper" fat loss condition within your body.
Hindu squats are easy to do...
they're bodyweight squats.
Squat up and down as fast as you can.
Do as many as you can in 5 minutes.
Within a week you should be able to do 100 squats.
That should be your goal.
That's when fat loss really takes off...
when you can do 100 in 5 minutes.
Remember, do this twice a day.
Once in the morning and once at night is perfect.
Use 2 minutes of free time to keep up the attack on your body fat 2 minute mini-workouts are a great way to radically speed up your metabolism.
It's like your body keeps getting assaulted until it just gives up and stays at the new, faster metabolism speed.
For this to work effectively, it's best to use tv commercials as an indicator to workout...
or you'll tend to forget to do these 2 minute workout.
So I give you permission to watch tv.
workout during the 2 minute commercials.
I prefer to use a mini-trampoline.
It's perfect for this type of plan.
Just set it in front of the tv and get jumping.
You could easily get in 40 minutes of jumping (20 commercials) everyday without sweating and without any time hassles.
This should give you some ideas for weight loss.
Look, I consider these 2 things combined the best ways to lose weight fast...
especially for busy women who weigh over 160 pounds.