Varicose Veins Treatment
Varicose veins are enlarged and swollen veins that appear dark purple or blue in color. They are commonly found in the legs, bulgy or twisted in appearance. This condition often results into painful signs and symptoms which include heavy or achy feelings in your legs, swelling of legs, muscle cramp, skin ulcers near the ankles and many others. Now, you need medical attention if the condition becomes worse to prevent further damage of the veins.
The type of treatment that you will undergo to treat your varicose veins depend on your general health and the severity, size and position of your veins. It is best to take help of an experienced vascular specialist who will recommend you the treatment that will yield you the best result.
Endothermal ablation
One of the widely used treatments offered by vascular specialist to treat Varicose Veins is endothermal ablation. This treatment procedure involves use of energy either supplied by high frequency radio waves, known as radiofrequency ablation or laser, termed as endoveous laser treatment to treat the affected veins.
Radiofrequency ablation
During this treatment procedure the wall of the varicose veins are heated with the help of radiofrequency energy. The affected vein is accessed through a small incision made just below or above the knee. A slim tube known as catheter is guided into the vein with the help of an ultrasound scan. A probe inserted inside the tube supplies radiofrequency energy. This heat up the affected vein until the wall collapse sealing the vein. When the vein gets sealed, the blood naturally flows to one of the healthy veins. Local anesthesia is applied while carrying out this treatment process. Patients are asked to wear compression stockings for around a week after undergoing radiofrequency ablation.
Endovenous Laser treatment
This treatment also involves a catheter which is inserted into the vein. An ultrasound scan is used to guide the catheter to the right place. A tiny laser is then passed through the tube, which is then positioned precisely just at the top of the affected vein.
The laser supplies energy to heat up the wall of the varicose vein and seals it gradually, forcing the blood to flow into some other healthy vein. Tightness in legs and bruises are sometimes reported by patients after undergoing the treatment. However, these side effects are only temporary.
If the vascular specialist found endothermal ablation treatment unsuitable for you, he may recommend you sclerotherapy instead. Special foam is injected into the veins during the procedure, which scars the veins and seals them closed. However, this treatment is not suitable for individuals who have previously suffered from deep vein thrombosis.
In this case also, an ultrasound scan is used to guide the injection in a proper way to the veins. Sclerotherapy is effective to treat more than one vein in a single session. Though this procedure is carried out under local anesthetic, a painkilling medication is also used to numb the area that is being treated.
After undergoing the treatment procedure, the varicose veins will begin to fade within few weeks and healthy veins will start playing more dominating role.
Ligation and Stripping
The technique of ligation and stripping is practiced by many surgeons to treat varicose veins. Two small incisions, approximately 5cm in diameter are made - one near the groin at the top of the damaged vein and another further down the leg, usually around the ankle or knee. The top of the varicose vein near the groin is tied up and sealed. A thin and flexible wire is passed through the bottom of the vein and pulled out carefully through the incision made in the leg. This makes the healthy veins more functional and they take over the role of the varicose veins.
After the completion of the treatment, generally one or two weeks are required to recover and after that you can return to your work. Sometimes patients are also asked to wear compression stockings for few weeks after the surgery.
Compression Stockings
These are specially designed stockings that squeeze legs to improve blood circulation. These stockings remain tight at the ankle and gradually become looser as they go further up the leg. This helps in the upward flow of blood towards the heart. Compression stockings are helpful in relieving pain, swelling and discomfort in the legs caused due to varicose veins. However, if the condition becomes worse you may need the other varicose vein treatment services, as recommended by the vascular specialist.
The type of treatment that you will undergo to treat your varicose veins depend on your general health and the severity, size and position of your veins. It is best to take help of an experienced vascular specialist who will recommend you the treatment that will yield you the best result.
Endothermal ablation
One of the widely used treatments offered by vascular specialist to treat Varicose Veins is endothermal ablation. This treatment procedure involves use of energy either supplied by high frequency radio waves, known as radiofrequency ablation or laser, termed as endoveous laser treatment to treat the affected veins.
Radiofrequency ablation
During this treatment procedure the wall of the varicose veins are heated with the help of radiofrequency energy. The affected vein is accessed through a small incision made just below or above the knee. A slim tube known as catheter is guided into the vein with the help of an ultrasound scan. A probe inserted inside the tube supplies radiofrequency energy. This heat up the affected vein until the wall collapse sealing the vein. When the vein gets sealed, the blood naturally flows to one of the healthy veins. Local anesthesia is applied while carrying out this treatment process. Patients are asked to wear compression stockings for around a week after undergoing radiofrequency ablation.
Endovenous Laser treatment
This treatment also involves a catheter which is inserted into the vein. An ultrasound scan is used to guide the catheter to the right place. A tiny laser is then passed through the tube, which is then positioned precisely just at the top of the affected vein.
The laser supplies energy to heat up the wall of the varicose vein and seals it gradually, forcing the blood to flow into some other healthy vein. Tightness in legs and bruises are sometimes reported by patients after undergoing the treatment. However, these side effects are only temporary.
If the vascular specialist found endothermal ablation treatment unsuitable for you, he may recommend you sclerotherapy instead. Special foam is injected into the veins during the procedure, which scars the veins and seals them closed. However, this treatment is not suitable for individuals who have previously suffered from deep vein thrombosis.
In this case also, an ultrasound scan is used to guide the injection in a proper way to the veins. Sclerotherapy is effective to treat more than one vein in a single session. Though this procedure is carried out under local anesthetic, a painkilling medication is also used to numb the area that is being treated.
After undergoing the treatment procedure, the varicose veins will begin to fade within few weeks and healthy veins will start playing more dominating role.
Ligation and Stripping
The technique of ligation and stripping is practiced by many surgeons to treat varicose veins. Two small incisions, approximately 5cm in diameter are made - one near the groin at the top of the damaged vein and another further down the leg, usually around the ankle or knee. The top of the varicose vein near the groin is tied up and sealed. A thin and flexible wire is passed through the bottom of the vein and pulled out carefully through the incision made in the leg. This makes the healthy veins more functional and they take over the role of the varicose veins.
After the completion of the treatment, generally one or two weeks are required to recover and after that you can return to your work. Sometimes patients are also asked to wear compression stockings for few weeks after the surgery.
Compression Stockings
These are specially designed stockings that squeeze legs to improve blood circulation. These stockings remain tight at the ankle and gradually become looser as they go further up the leg. This helps in the upward flow of blood towards the heart. Compression stockings are helpful in relieving pain, swelling and discomfort in the legs caused due to varicose veins. However, if the condition becomes worse you may need the other varicose vein treatment services, as recommended by the vascular specialist.