Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)
RLS is a condition that gives people the urge to move their body to stop uncomfortable and very hard to explain sensations.
This happens normally when the body is still, and effects most sufferers at night before they sleep.
Even though it is called RLS, it can effect arms, torso, and even phantom limbs.
Getting up and moving around gives temporary relief.
RLS, for me, is very hard to live with.
I remember when I first experienced the condition in my late teens.
I would go to bed and suddenly I would get this feeling.
It wasn't a painful feeling, but this strange creepy, pulling feeling.
The only way I could get temporary relief, was to get out of bed and stretch my arms and legs or walk around my room.
This was happening a few times a week, and when I tried to explain to people close to me what was going on, they could not relate because they did not suffer with it, and never heard of such a condition It's a strange condition because sometimes you can have it about four times a week, then you can go months without having it.
I guess this is the reason I never went to my doctors about it.
Every time I had an episode, I would just deal with it and get on with my life.
About two years ago, I was browsing the internet.
This was after I had a very bad couple of weeks with RLS.
I decided to browse the health forums and see if I could get some sort of help.
I can't remember the site, but I joined and posted a message about my strange condition.
I was surprised to get replies and after a few hours, I was confident that I was suffering from RLS.
To be honest, I was really happy because for so many years I thought I was alone with this condition.
I was so glad to know that many people suffered with this condition, and that my condition was quite mild compared to others.
Symptoms You have a strong urge to move your legs which you may not be able to resist.
The need to move is often accompanied by uncomfortable sensations.
Some words used to describe these sensations include: creeping, itching, pulling, creepy-crawly, tugging, or gnawing.
Your RLS symptoms start or become worse when you are resting.
The longer you are resting, the greater the chance the symptoms will occur and the more severe they are likely to be.
Your RLS symptoms get better when you move your legs.
The relief can be complete or only partial but generally starts very soon after starting an activity.
Relief persists as long as the motor activity continues.
Your RLS symptoms are worse in the evening especially when you are lying down.
Activities that bother you at night do not bother you during the day.
Because most people suffer with RLS before they sleep, this causes huge problems for people because they find it hard to get a good nights sleep.
Sometimes when I have had an episode, I would be up half the night.
So, it was not long before my work was being effected by the lack of sleep I would sometimes have.
So, what can be done about this condition? There is no direct cure, but there are a number of factors that can cause RLS, or make it worse.
Most research on the disease mechanism of RLS has focused on the dopamine and iron system.
The reason for this is levodopa and iron can be used to treat RLS.
Also, latest studies have shown that the problem could be something to do with the brain.
Sometimes lifestyle changes can ease symptoms.
Alcohol and caffeine can make the condition worse.
So cutting down on coffee,tea, and soft drinks and any other products that have caffeine as an ingredient could improve your condition.
Women can develop RLS in the last term of pregnancy, though it normally disappears after giving birth.
More serious is RLS being connected to diabetes, kidney failure,and parkinsons disease.
Also, antidepressants can make the condition worse.
If you read this, and you feel you might be suffering with RLS, go and see your doctor.
Also, get as much information as you can on the condition.
Do what I did and ask for advice on health forums.
RLS can be a mild condition, or it can be quite severe, especially with diseases such as diabetes, kidney failure,and parkinsons disease being linked to RLS so, if you feel you might have RLS, go and see your doctor for advice.
This happens normally when the body is still, and effects most sufferers at night before they sleep.
Even though it is called RLS, it can effect arms, torso, and even phantom limbs.
Getting up and moving around gives temporary relief.
RLS, for me, is very hard to live with.
I remember when I first experienced the condition in my late teens.
I would go to bed and suddenly I would get this feeling.
It wasn't a painful feeling, but this strange creepy, pulling feeling.
The only way I could get temporary relief, was to get out of bed and stretch my arms and legs or walk around my room.
This was happening a few times a week, and when I tried to explain to people close to me what was going on, they could not relate because they did not suffer with it, and never heard of such a condition It's a strange condition because sometimes you can have it about four times a week, then you can go months without having it.
I guess this is the reason I never went to my doctors about it.
Every time I had an episode, I would just deal with it and get on with my life.
About two years ago, I was browsing the internet.
This was after I had a very bad couple of weeks with RLS.
I decided to browse the health forums and see if I could get some sort of help.
I can't remember the site, but I joined and posted a message about my strange condition.
I was surprised to get replies and after a few hours, I was confident that I was suffering from RLS.
To be honest, I was really happy because for so many years I thought I was alone with this condition.
I was so glad to know that many people suffered with this condition, and that my condition was quite mild compared to others.
Symptoms You have a strong urge to move your legs which you may not be able to resist.
The need to move is often accompanied by uncomfortable sensations.
Some words used to describe these sensations include: creeping, itching, pulling, creepy-crawly, tugging, or gnawing.
Your RLS symptoms start or become worse when you are resting.
The longer you are resting, the greater the chance the symptoms will occur and the more severe they are likely to be.
Your RLS symptoms get better when you move your legs.
The relief can be complete or only partial but generally starts very soon after starting an activity.
Relief persists as long as the motor activity continues.
Your RLS symptoms are worse in the evening especially when you are lying down.
Activities that bother you at night do not bother you during the day.
Because most people suffer with RLS before they sleep, this causes huge problems for people because they find it hard to get a good nights sleep.
Sometimes when I have had an episode, I would be up half the night.
So, it was not long before my work was being effected by the lack of sleep I would sometimes have.
So, what can be done about this condition? There is no direct cure, but there are a number of factors that can cause RLS, or make it worse.
Most research on the disease mechanism of RLS has focused on the dopamine and iron system.
The reason for this is levodopa and iron can be used to treat RLS.
Also, latest studies have shown that the problem could be something to do with the brain.
Sometimes lifestyle changes can ease symptoms.
Alcohol and caffeine can make the condition worse.
So cutting down on coffee,tea, and soft drinks and any other products that have caffeine as an ingredient could improve your condition.
Women can develop RLS in the last term of pregnancy, though it normally disappears after giving birth.
More serious is RLS being connected to diabetes, kidney failure,and parkinsons disease.
Also, antidepressants can make the condition worse.
If you read this, and you feel you might be suffering with RLS, go and see your doctor.
Also, get as much information as you can on the condition.
Do what I did and ask for advice on health forums.
RLS can be a mild condition, or it can be quite severe, especially with diseases such as diabetes, kidney failure,and parkinsons disease being linked to RLS so, if you feel you might have RLS, go and see your doctor for advice.