Is it OK For Your Boyfriend to Look at Other Women?
" Most girlfriends are fine with this, and trust that their boyfriends love them and would never cheat on them.
But many girlfriends feel insecure and disrespected.
After all, why should their boyfriends need to look at other women, if they think their girlfriend is attractive and they plan on dating them for a long time, and hopefully getting married? Girls ask how they can deal with their boyfriends looking at other girls, because they feel anxious when it happens, and possibly starts a fight.
There are really two answers about boyfriend problems like this.
You can deal with it and ignore it.
Just be aware that if he is looking at other women, you never know what is going through his mind.
Is his looking just harmless? Or is he looking to see what else is out there, and wishing that he was with them instead of you? If he starts talking about other girls all the time, and you get a feeling he has a crush on them, you especially might want to skip straight to step #2.
Even though many couples agree that crushes are harmless, why would anyone have a crush on someone else if they weren't TRULY happy with the person they are with? 2.
You can confront him about it if it bothers you.
This is hard to do because you don't want to seem jealous or insecure.
But also, you want this to stop if he claims to actually think you're attractive and really like you.
How can you do this without starting a fight or feeling like a nag? Just simply say to him, "when you look at another girl (and then give an example of the last girl he got googly-eyed for) I feel like you are wishing you were with her instead of me.
I just feel like I'm not good enough for you.
Is that true?" With a statement like that, he can't get mad, because you are just telling him how it makes you feel when he does this.
It's now up to him to change this to make you feel better about yourself when you're with him.
Things you should not do about boyfriend problems like this is get even with them and tell them how gorgeous you think another guy is.
This will make them mad but also give them all the more reason to look at other women even more, but also to openly talk about how gorgeous they are.
And quite honestly, it doesn't take much for most guys to think a woman is gorgeous.
Most of the time, all they need to see is that someone is a female and he could be very attracted to her, depending on the guy.
So, to conclude, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks is right and wrong.
It's all about how you feel in your relationship.
If you're fine with your boyfriend looking at other women, don't let others persuade you into thinking that it's wrong for him to do so.
If you're not OK with him checking out others, you need to talk to him and tell him how much this bothers you and makes you feel insecure, disrespected, unattractive, and unloved.