7 Questions to Answer Before Getting Back With Your Ex Boyfriend
He apologized for hurting you and if you're going to be honest with yourself, you miss him terribly.
But before you take him back, there are questions you need to answer that will help you decide if getting back with your ex is a good idea or not.
Did he really change? He kept saying that he's changed but do you believe him?Do you really see the changes in him or is he just putting up an act just to get you back?You need to be sure that he really changed for the better otherwise he might end up hurting you again.
Is he being manipulative? You need to be careful and find out what his end plan really is.
He may appear remorseful and sad but again it could be just an act.
You know this man, do you think he has it in him to manipulate you?He may be trying to trick you into getting back together with him.
Is he really making an effort? Is he really making an effort to get you back?Or is just getting drunk and kept calling you in the middle of the night?If you see that he's really trying his best to be a better person then you consider getting him back.
If he remembered your birthday, calls you every now and then to check up on you, or sends you love letters through emails, then bonus points for him.
Are things really different now? Do you feel more secure when you're with him?Are you both more financially and emotionally stable?Is there someone else and you're choosing between him and your ex?Little details are important because they can affect your relationship.
If there is someone else then you need to be sure that it's your ex you're in love with.
Or you both need to be emotionally stable in order to talk things through and handle things maturely.
Did he abuse you? Love can often leave us blind and we refuse to see that the ones we love are hurting us.
You say that you want him back but is he really worth keeping?Did he abuse you - if not physically then emotionally?If he did then you better think twice before getting back together with him.
Do your friends approve? The decision to get back with your ex is entirely up to you but sometimes it doesn't hurt to ask for advice.
If your friends approve of him then maybe he is worth keeping.
It shouldn't really hinder your decision if they don't because no one knows your ex better than you do.
But as mentioned love is blind and maybe you can't see yourself being mistreated by your ex but your friends can.
What was the reason for the breakup? If he cheated on you, are you certain that you can forgive him and get past his mistake?Or are you going to hold it against him?If you're not ready to forgive him for his mistakes then think twice before getting back with your ex.
You may end up fighting again and there won't really be any trust between you.