Network Marketing Tips - Create Ambitious Goals in Your Network Marketing Business
One of the greatest mistakes that I see people make around their Network Marketing Business and around life in general is that they create goals that are way less than what they believe that they can achieve.
In this article, I am suggesting that you create goals around your business that you could not possibly achieve unless you had additional resources support or information.
These are the goals that will make you a little bit uncomfortable and will require you to think outside of the box.
Below are a couple of Network Marketing tips that you can follow in building your business - 1.
Start by Imagining Your "Dream" Life - This is the life that you would want if you had unlimited time, money, assistance, mentorship and resource.
Before you create any goal, you must be aware of why it is that you want to achieve that goal and imagine it like it is real today.
Create a Goal that seems like a huge stretch at the time - 10 years ago when I had never left the United States, I created a goal of visiting 40 countries.
This was unimaginable to me at the time, but I created as a goal.
Now, I have visited close to 50 countries and my stretch goal from 10 years ago seems like a joke.
However, if I would not have made that wild goal, I probably would have missed out on seeing so much of the World.
Create a time frame for the goal and see if you can cut that time frame - This defies conventional wisdom but you would be amazed at what you could do if you felt the time pressure of achieving a goal.
Most people make the error of giving themselves too much time.
The problem with that is that when you have more time to achieve your Network Marketing goals, you have to stay disciplined for a longer time, and you will have less time to enjoy the benefits of achieving your goal.
My goal is to sponsor 100 new people into my Network Marketing Business in the next year.
I may or may not achieve that goal but in going for it, I know that I will impact so many more lives than if I created a "safe" goal.
Follow these Network Marketing tips and your business will grow.
In this article, I am suggesting that you create goals around your business that you could not possibly achieve unless you had additional resources support or information.
These are the goals that will make you a little bit uncomfortable and will require you to think outside of the box.
Below are a couple of Network Marketing tips that you can follow in building your business - 1.
Start by Imagining Your "Dream" Life - This is the life that you would want if you had unlimited time, money, assistance, mentorship and resource.
Before you create any goal, you must be aware of why it is that you want to achieve that goal and imagine it like it is real today.
Create a Goal that seems like a huge stretch at the time - 10 years ago when I had never left the United States, I created a goal of visiting 40 countries.
This was unimaginable to me at the time, but I created as a goal.
Now, I have visited close to 50 countries and my stretch goal from 10 years ago seems like a joke.
However, if I would not have made that wild goal, I probably would have missed out on seeing so much of the World.
Create a time frame for the goal and see if you can cut that time frame - This defies conventional wisdom but you would be amazed at what you could do if you felt the time pressure of achieving a goal.
Most people make the error of giving themselves too much time.
The problem with that is that when you have more time to achieve your Network Marketing goals, you have to stay disciplined for a longer time, and you will have less time to enjoy the benefits of achieving your goal.
My goal is to sponsor 100 new people into my Network Marketing Business in the next year.
I may or may not achieve that goal but in going for it, I know that I will impact so many more lives than if I created a "safe" goal.
Follow these Network Marketing tips and your business will grow.