The Best Way To Get Back At Your Ex Girlfriend
They need to be built up and carefully maintained in order to flourish.
Breakups, unfortunately, do happen and they can be a horrible stressful time for both people involved.
If you have just broken up with your girlfriend and you think that taking some sort of revenge will make you think you feel better, you should probably think again.
I imagine what you want your ex to feel more than anything is regret.
Regret that the breakup happened and that she is no longer with you.
Being petty and childish by taking revenge just to get back at your girlfriend will only make you look like a loser, and in her mind it will make her very happy to have broken up with you.
She will just think "Oh yeah this guy was a dick I right to break up with him.
" So if you really want to be immature and hurt the woman you cared and loved so much then you should read something else but if you want to make her feel regret about your breakup and make her miss you and wish she was with you then read on.
For me the best way to get back at anyone is simple: Live a better life than them.
Let me elaborate, let's say your girlfriend did cheat on you, you are probably hurting really bad inside and feeling rejected, the best way to get back at your ex would be to live a much greater and happier life than her.
Imagine in a years time you have gotten over this bump in the road and you are surrounded by your friends genuinely having the time of your life, you have a more attractive woman in your arms, you have a great job and lifestyle.
You really could not be happier.
If your ex was to see a glimpse of that picture of you leading your ideal life and how much you have accomplished and how happy you are she will be kicking herself.
It's almost like crack for women to be around a man who is happy and successful.
Picture the above, where you live an awesome life, versus being petty and uploading some revealing photos or doing some other stupid shit to get back at your ex girlfriend.
Living an awesome life makes her jealous and regretful.
Being petty makes her pissed off and happy to be broken up with you.
When you start to date other women again they will be much more interested and attracted to the man who leads his ideal life than the boy who carries out revenge plots.
Be the bigger man.
My advice to you would be just to take out a pen and paper right now and decide what you really want from life, put your issue with you ex aside for now.
Where would you like to live, what is your ideal job, what you would love to do with your life.
Then focus on working towards these goals and everything that makes you happy.
It's an indirect but very effective way to getting any woman you want.