Get Your Ex Back - No Matter How Bad Your Situation Seems!
Taking an example, one way relationships break up is because one of you comes across as being too possessive.
A close friend of mine broke up with her boyfriend for this very reason and he was willing to do anything get his ex back.
The trouble was he didn't know how to go about it the right way.
He became more and more jealous of her flirtatious nature, which I thought was just her just being friendly.
I guess she could've stopped being so "friendly" in case people got the wrong impression but his jealously gradually built up and he become more possessive which made it seem like he didn't trust her.
It caused a lot of arguments and eventually the possessiveness and other problems got the better of their relationship and they broke up.
When he went to collect his things from her place he said it seemed like she was regretting the break up.
I was friends with them both so I got both sides of the story each time! He wondered whether he should try to get back with her or move on...
I knew they both knew why the relationship had failed which was a good start because they at least knew what they had to work on.
However, he thought that being possessive was so bad and meant that she would never consider getting back together.
The main problem they had, like I did, was that there were so many unanswered questions that were holding them back from taking action.
They didn't know what to say or do to have the best chance of saving the relationship.
This is a common problem which stops a lot of good couples getting back together.
If you feel like this is whats stopping you and you want to get your ex back then all hope is not lost!