Ouch! Injured because of someone else's fault?
Injuries, particularly of serious nature, affect your life adversely in a number of ways. You pay medical expenses and you lose your job wages as well. Apart from these two obvious financial losses, there are a score of other losses which might not be immediately apparent but they exist and cause you financial, physical, emotional or psychological loss. If you or any of your loved ones has been injured and if the injury was caused due to negligence or deliberate act of the other person, persons or a business entity, you are entitled to filing a personal injury Tort lawsuit claiming damages for the injury and the injury related losses. In Minneapolis, you can hire a Personal injury Attorney, Minneapolis to represent you and seek damages from the injury causing party by filing a Tort lawsuit. Through this lawsuit damages may be sought for:
Bodily physical injury
Emotional distress ( intentional)
Emotional distress ( negligent )
Types of Personal injury
Car/vehicle accidents
Work place injury
Construction site injury
Dog bites
School time injuries to children
Tripping injury
Product defect injury ( product liability )
With the help of your injury Attorney Mn, you can claim damages by clearly mentioning all the losses you had suffered because of the injury. An experienced Injury Attorney Minneapolis can help you identify your losses because sometimes even the injured party does not know the domino effect of injury and the kind of losses that arise as a direct or indirect consequence of the injury. The damages sought by a Personal injury Attorney Minneapolis are basically of two kinds:
Special Damages – These are damages that can be measured because of actual costs paid by the victim. For example Medical bills, property, vehicle losses, loss of earnings, replacement wages etc. However in case of the injured person running a business, the amount of "loss of earnings" is a little complicated assessment and involves scrutinizing the financial books of the injured party by an independent financial expert. Also, some injuries can have effect on future earning capacities of a person for example a painter permanently injuring the painting hand or an actor damaging his or her face. Here too, the personal injury Attorney Minneapolis employs the help of trade experts to estimate what could be the extent of loss to the plaintiff.
General damages – These costs can not be measured easily such as pain and suffering or emotional distress caused due to injury. The personal injury attorney Minneapolis can decide a general damages cost by observing the extent of injury on plaintiff's life and comparing it with other similar cases and judgments or settlements in the past.
Duties of a personal injury Attorney
Medical help – After being hired, Injury Attorney Mn, should first of all make sure that the injured client is getting the best possible medical help.
Coach statements – The Injury Attorney Minneapolis has to coach the client about what to say and not say to either the police authorities or to the insurance companies. Any careless comment or confession can damage the case of client both in the Tort lawsuit and for seeking proper compensations from the insurance companies.
Deal with Insurance companies – Injury Attorney Mn, knows the working of insurance companies way better than an average person does and knows how they look for opportunities to lower your claims value. Trust your Injury Attorney Minneapolis to extract the best possible insurance settlement for you.
Serve notice of injury to parties involved – The Injury Attorney you hire has to immediately send claim notifications to all the parties involved in your injury. This notice does not carry any details about the injury or extent of claim. However it is important that the other party knows what you are up to so that they can not claim in court that they were surprised by the damage lawsuit claims.
Collect evidence – To strengthen the Tort lawsuit, the Personal injury Attorney Minneapolis needs to collect all the evidence related to the injury and against the party which had caused it. Your injury Attorney Mn, will get in touch with police authorities and even make own investigations to raise incriminating and supporting evidence.
Paperwork – The Injury Attorney Minneapolis has to prepare all the paperwork necessary with the Tort lawsuit such as Medical bills, Medical reports, property, vehicle damage assessment reports, financial loss reports like salary slips and business assessment reports, police documents regarding registration of incident and prima facie evidences and reports, self-investigation results and reports, workplace compensation laws, various compensation forms etc.
Value of Tort Lawsuit – Your personal injury attorney Minneapolis has to give a figure to the net loss assessed due to injury which includes measurable costs and non-measurable losses like emotional loss and pain and sufferings.
Trial or negotiations – Normally personal injury cases do not go to trial. At the court mediation stage itself the involved parties usually agree to negotiate a reasonable compensation. Both know that if case goes to court more time and money will be spent which may even affect future earnings and mental peace. Your Personal injury Attorney Minneapolis has to act tactfully and aggressively and extract the best compensation possible. If negotiations fail then the case goes to trial stage.
How does Personal injury Attorneys charge fees?
A personal injury Attorney Minneapolis may charge fees based upon a number of factors like degree of efforts that may be required, difficulty of winning the desired claims, experience and reputation of the attorney and the costs that the Attorney may have to incur to strengthen the case. An Injury Attorney Minneapolis may charge fees on a contingency basis, a flat fees, an hourly rate or on retainer basis.
Hire injury attorney without delay
Injury claims come under Statues of limitations and so you must hire an Injury Attorney Mn, as soon as possible after the injury otherwise the claims may be disallowed by law due to delay in filing the lawsuit. The time limitation varies from state to state and from one kind of injury to another. You should not rely on your insurance company alone to get you a fair compensation. You deserve much more than the insurance Co. can ever deliver. Hiring a personal injury attorney Minneapolis is the best solution for you as it gets you a more than satisfactory compensation and saves you all the botherations and you pay only if you get your due compensation. What more can you ask for!