Does God Feel Pain?

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When one thinks of God it is hard to imagine that the great Creator could feel pain and yet something showed me that it does.
One day while waiting for the communion elements to be handed out in a Pentecost church a man on a cross appeared in front of me.
His head was at first hanging then he lifted it looked me in the eyes and called my name.
Inside I heard "take me off the cross.
" The look on his face was one of rejection, loss, confusion, innocence, and above all hurt.
In fact I would go so far as to say he was in extreme pain.
This was not the first commission given to me as that came one night beforehand when I had retired early with sinus pain.
The power hit me hard and pinned me to the bed so I could not move a muscle.
It told me to "tear down the wall of churches, go out to the people and bring back the young.
" It was somewhat confusing as I had no idea what the wall of churches comprised.
Later visions were given to me of a huge barrier that stands between God and its people.
In case the reader is confused by the use of impersonal pronouns I should explain.
The Spirit is the mighty power of all creation and it is in control of all things.
It has no sex and it has not sent 'sons' to earth to teach on its behalf.
It's as big as all of space, however large that is.
It has no image so it cannot be represented by pictures, statues or any other iconography.
It also has no genes so it never fathered a child.
It has no need for churches, money, teachers, tithing, rituals, or anything else that religion has concocted.
Over time I learned that the 'young' of my first commission are those who are seeking the truth and who have walked away from religions.
They are the 'spiritual people of God' and they were seeded with spirit at the start of the day described in the bible as the day of the lord.
In a vision a line stretched out in front that reached way into the distance.
Where I stood a bright light suddenly appeared and it arched over the line to the end.
There in large capital letters was EVE and it was very bright.
In the middle was NOON and there was a huge crowd there gathered around a man on a cross.
At that point it was almost dark.
Where I stood it was EVENING and, again extremely bright.
The vision showed me the day as a time measured by events.
The man on the cross happened around 2,000 years ago and that makes the length of the day some 4,000 years long.
The Spirit is pouring over its own at this time and bringing enormous light to those who are connect to it.
By way of contrast there is death and darkness happening in religious nations where the darkness is greatest and where idols and false gods are worshiped.
So why does God feel the pain and what did the expression on the face of the man on the cross mean? It took some time to discover the answers and they must be known before anyone will see the truth.
The Spirit has been put on the cross by the two beasts of Revelation 13.
The aim of God who allowed it to happen is to draw out those who can feel the spirit within and who voluntarily come away from the misguided distortions under which they have been placed.
In order to win them back the Spirit had to become the man on the cross where they go to pray and ask for healing.
It has to link them to the name 'Jesus' that is the old term for 'spirit'.
It was given to the man on the cross because of the power behind it.
The loss of connection with them through their inner links is what causes the pain.
It wants to speak and save those who were seeded with Spirit at the beginning of the day and who are written in the book of life.
Until they feel the pressure within them to ignore the teachings manufactured by men for power and control that can't happen.
Eve was not a woman but the Spirit of God that breathed life into Adam at that time.
Adam was not the first man but a group of selected people who were given the chance to grow in spirit throughout the given time.
"Male and female created he them and called their name Adam in the day when they were created.
" Genesis 5:2 The religion of Constantine was established in 325 AD at the Council of Nicaea and it has followed in his wake and style to confuse, terrorise, hurt, murder, and condemn anyone who does not believe its doctrine.
It broke into many branches and became modern Christianity.
It also established the Muslim branch through the husband of a devout Catholic.
His name is Mohammed.
The emperor built the first Vatican as a parliament of bishops to enforce his rule throughout the empire and maintain control over it.
He also invented Jesus Christ as its Saviour, as noted in revelation 13:13-18.
In effect it is he who sits in all churches as Christ and this is confirmed in these words that promise that there will be "a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed; the son of perdition; Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God, sits in the temple of God; showing himself that he is God.
" 11Thessalonians 2:4 This is where Constantine placed himself when he reinstated Mary, the Mother God of Babylon, in the religion as the so-called Mother of God.
The violence, forced worship of his image, and the power of the parliament ensured that people keep the faith he succeeded in creating.
But his time is up and the end looms.
Constantine is 666, as shown to me in a vision, and he brought the darkness over the world and the end of it as we know it.
"And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
II Thessalonians 2:11-12 The ones who can separate themselves out from the false gods and idols he created are to be received by God and will have life everlasting on a restored earth.
That's when the pain of God will end.
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