How Do I Remove an Aluminum Sash Type Window?
- 1). Pry wood window trim from the wall with a flat pry bar. Use a drill to remove screws from metal trim. Remove the trim on both sides, above and below the window to reveal the gap between the window and the wall frame. If you will be installing a similar window, save the trim for re=installation. Pull the nails through the back of wood trim with locking pliers to preserve the face.
- 2). Remove screws attaching the window to the wall frame, if possible with a cordless drill. Some screws may be concealed under weatherstrip surrounding the frame. Cut screws or nails that cannot be removed with a reciprocating saw, with a wrecking blade.
- 3). Cut around the edges of the flat trim on the exterior of the window with a utility knife to release any old caulking that might hold it to the wall. You may need to remove siding trim with a pry bar to access the edge. Tip the window to the outside, leaning it out from the top to avoid it dropping. Have a helper support the weight of the window and lift down carefully to prevent breakage.
- 4). Remove screws and other fasteners left behind in the wall frame with a pry bar or the locking pliers to create a smooth, even surface for the installation of the replacement window.