Arthritis Knee Pain Natural Home Remedies - Safe and Effective Methods to Treat Arthritis Pain
Knee pain may be the result of overuse, inadequate warm-up or cool down, inadequate stretching and also poor form during physical activity. People suffering from knee pain due to simple causes often clear up on their own with simple care and applying simple remedy. Due to excess weight also there may be a greater risk for the problems of knee pain.
Usually knee pain is caused by -
1. One of the causes of the arthritis may be bursitis. It is an inflammation from the repeated pressure on the knee like if any one kneels for a long period, overuse or injury.
2. Knee pain is also caused due to arthritis which includes rheumatoid, gout, osteoarthritis or some other connective disorder like lupus.
3. Knee pain is also caused due to the baker's cyst. It is a fluid-filled swelling which is behind the knee and this problem is accompanied by inflammation due to other causes like arthritis. If there is a rupture in the cysts then it causes pain in the back of your knee which may travel down to your calf.
4. Tendinitis is also one of the causes of knee pain. It is related with the pain of the knee and especially in front of the knee which get in worse condition while going up and down stairs or inclines.
Severe pain and instability of the knee joints can be caused due to torn or ruptured ligaments. It may be caused due to strain and sprain, minor injuries to the ligaments.
Some of the remedies for knee pain
Yoga is very effective for treating knee pain. Doing regularly yoga with breathing exercises help you to relax and also to cure knee ache because knee pain is caused by the mental stress also. Yoga helps to bring flexibility in the knee joint by natural way.
Warrior posture is also very helpful for reducing the knee pain. You can try this by standing with your feet 4 foot apart. Then turn your left foot in inward direction and right foot in outward direction. Keep your chests facing straight and in front. Stretch your both the arms and bend in the direction of right knee and also turn your head to look at your right knee. Repeat this process with each leg.
Usually the specialist also recommends that if you want to take off the load of the knee then perform at least 5 squats daily and once a day.
Usually knee pain is caused by -
1. One of the causes of the arthritis may be bursitis. It is an inflammation from the repeated pressure on the knee like if any one kneels for a long period, overuse or injury.
2. Knee pain is also caused due to arthritis which includes rheumatoid, gout, osteoarthritis or some other connective disorder like lupus.
3. Knee pain is also caused due to the baker's cyst. It is a fluid-filled swelling which is behind the knee and this problem is accompanied by inflammation due to other causes like arthritis. If there is a rupture in the cysts then it causes pain in the back of your knee which may travel down to your calf.
4. Tendinitis is also one of the causes of knee pain. It is related with the pain of the knee and especially in front of the knee which get in worse condition while going up and down stairs or inclines.
Severe pain and instability of the knee joints can be caused due to torn or ruptured ligaments. It may be caused due to strain and sprain, minor injuries to the ligaments.
Some of the remedies for knee pain
Yoga is very effective for treating knee pain. Doing regularly yoga with breathing exercises help you to relax and also to cure knee ache because knee pain is caused by the mental stress also. Yoga helps to bring flexibility in the knee joint by natural way.
Warrior posture is also very helpful for reducing the knee pain. You can try this by standing with your feet 4 foot apart. Then turn your left foot in inward direction and right foot in outward direction. Keep your chests facing straight and in front. Stretch your both the arms and bend in the direction of right knee and also turn your head to look at your right knee. Repeat this process with each leg.
Usually the specialist also recommends that if you want to take off the load of the knee then perform at least 5 squats daily and once a day.