A Pledge to Reach the Idyllic "Green Land
The green bug has hit industries across the world but there is still time before the world witnesses a drastic effect.
Going green is not easy.
Businesses which believed that cutting down paper use and opting for recycled paper are the shortcuts to going green are sadly dwelling in the 19th century.
Greening solutions have grown out of age-old methods and now demand more vigorous participation from every quarter.
Be it office or manufacturing units, the stress is now on changing the lifestyle that has so far been detrimental to the environment.
For instance, companies should encourage employees to follow certain green norms at the workplace.
Some of the basic norms include: a)Lighting up the workplace with eco-friendly bulbs (compact fluorescent bulbs).
b)Using washable coffee mugs instead of paper glasses.
c)Keeping your computers in sleeping mode during long breaks.
d)Switching off lights when not needed.
e)Unplugging equipments even when they are switched off.
f)Keeping air vents free of paper and office supplies as blocked passages use up 25% more energy (by air-conditioners) to maintain normal ventilation.
Workplaces apart, there are other businesses too that demand attention.
Printing companies in particular, draw attention on account of the fact that it consumes one of the most valuable possessions on earth- trees.
Besides, printing inks contain chemicals that are harmful to the environment.
That's the reason of the increasing stress on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified printing companies or certification from other trusted eco-friendly organization.
FSC certified printing companies offer green printing solutions.
These printing organizations: a)Reduce the output of hazardous materials during the printing process, thereby minimizing environmental damage.
b)Lower power consumption and minimize associated carbon emission.
c)Improve performance of the entire process with the use of energy-efficient equipments.
d)Cut down paper use by using recycled paper.
e)Do away with volatile inks emitting CFCs and rely chiefly on soy inks or vegetable-based inks.
Though a long way is to be covered before we reach the gate of the 'Green Land', the good news is that we are on the right track and need to proceed with greater determination.
Going green is not easy.
Businesses which believed that cutting down paper use and opting for recycled paper are the shortcuts to going green are sadly dwelling in the 19th century.
Greening solutions have grown out of age-old methods and now demand more vigorous participation from every quarter.
Be it office or manufacturing units, the stress is now on changing the lifestyle that has so far been detrimental to the environment.
For instance, companies should encourage employees to follow certain green norms at the workplace.
Some of the basic norms include: a)Lighting up the workplace with eco-friendly bulbs (compact fluorescent bulbs).
b)Using washable coffee mugs instead of paper glasses.
c)Keeping your computers in sleeping mode during long breaks.
d)Switching off lights when not needed.
e)Unplugging equipments even when they are switched off.
f)Keeping air vents free of paper and office supplies as blocked passages use up 25% more energy (by air-conditioners) to maintain normal ventilation.
Workplaces apart, there are other businesses too that demand attention.
Printing companies in particular, draw attention on account of the fact that it consumes one of the most valuable possessions on earth- trees.
Besides, printing inks contain chemicals that are harmful to the environment.
That's the reason of the increasing stress on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified printing companies or certification from other trusted eco-friendly organization.
FSC certified printing companies offer green printing solutions.
These printing organizations: a)Reduce the output of hazardous materials during the printing process, thereby minimizing environmental damage.
b)Lower power consumption and minimize associated carbon emission.
c)Improve performance of the entire process with the use of energy-efficient equipments.
d)Cut down paper use by using recycled paper.
e)Do away with volatile inks emitting CFCs and rely chiefly on soy inks or vegetable-based inks.
Though a long way is to be covered before we reach the gate of the 'Green Land', the good news is that we are on the right track and need to proceed with greater determination.