What Is the File Extension 8Bf?
- A file extension is a suffix to the name of a computer file, used to indicate the encoding convention of its contents. File extensions determine the way data is stored in a file. Some operating systems require file extensions, while others, such as UNIX, do not require them.
- Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program that was first released in 1990. It was developed and published by Adobe Systems, headquartered in San Jose, California.
- Files with the extension 8BF are plugin files used by Adobe-compatible applications. ¨These plugins interact with a host application (a web browser or an email client, for example) to provide a specific function, such as being able to create Egyptian Hieroglyphics in Photoshop.
- Other programs that can open 8BF files include Adobe Illustrator, Adobe ImageReady, Paint Shop Pro, PhotoImpact, Photo-Paint, Fireworks and Photoshop Elements.
- Many 8BF plug-ins are free to download. To narrow a search for a specific plug-in, describe its function or the effects. Searching for "marble mask 8BF," for example, will help you find a plug-in that gives your pictures a mask that resembles marble.
File Extensions
Extension 8BF
Compatible Programs
Finding 8BF Plug-ins