Roman Colleges of Priests
While there were many guilds or collegia (colleges) in ancient Rome, and several were priestly colleges, there were only 4 major colleges of priests during the Roman Republic. Learn about these four important religious groups, the quattuor amplissima collegia.
The College of the Pontifices, with the Pontifex Maximus at its head was the most important of the colleges of priests because the Pontifex Maximus supervised other colleges.
The flamines, who were priests associated with the worship of individual gods, were part of the pontifical college.More »
1. Pontifices
The College of the Pontifices, with the Pontifex Maximus at its head was the most important of the colleges of priests because the Pontifex Maximus supervised other colleges.
The flamines, who were priests associated with the worship of individual gods, were part of the pontifical college.More »
2. Augures
The College of the Augures contained men whose approval was required before any major undertaking. The Augures read the signs of the gods and could tell whether the gods supported or opposed a venture. There was plenty of room for dishonesty here.More »3. Quindecemviri sacris faciundis
The job of these priests was to take charge of the Sibylline Books, to inspect and interpret them when necessary and to keep them safe at other times.More »4. Septemviri Epulones
These men had charge of the public feasts and were a late innovation.More »