Improving Recruitment Efficiency With Application Tracking System
Today, most of the organizations outsource the non critical functions to the outside professionals or service providers. It helps them to focus on the core functions of the organization. One of such area outsourced is the recruitment process previously handled by the HR departments. However, still in some organizations the in-house HR managers handle this activity. Whatever may be the case, the persons involved with the recruitment of the right talent for the organization uses the application tracking system so as to reduce the time for reaching the right kind of talent and improving overall recruitment efficiency.
Most of the organizations HR departments and outside recruitment consultants have a huge database of resumes of the potential candidates. It is actually not possible for the recruitment staff to search through every resume available in the database or to sort them as per certain criteria. Hence, most of them use the application tracking system for doing this cumbersome or repetitive search, scrutinizing, or sorting work.
Applicant tracking system usually incorporates the remote server, which is often accessible for this purpose of displaying the relevant information about the various candidates. In the market, one can find variety of such software available. Hence, hiring managers need to be very careful for selecting the most appropriate application tracking software, which can meet the needs of their organization.
While selecting the best application tracking system, the hiring managers often consider various factors or characteristics. Some of these include easier handling, user friendliness of various operating commands, access for the updated information of the candidates, variety of reporting facilities, compatibility with various other applications or software of the organization like CRM, HR, payroll, ERP, etc. Similarly, they consider other factors like the service support, price, brand, etc.
In short, finding the most appropriate application tracking system requires a lot of ground work and study of the organizational needs by the hiring managers. It definitely ensures the best productivity and efficiency improvement in the hiring process.
Most of the organizations HR departments and outside recruitment consultants have a huge database of resumes of the potential candidates. It is actually not possible for the recruitment staff to search through every resume available in the database or to sort them as per certain criteria. Hence, most of them use the application tracking system for doing this cumbersome or repetitive search, scrutinizing, or sorting work.
Applicant tracking system usually incorporates the remote server, which is often accessible for this purpose of displaying the relevant information about the various candidates. In the market, one can find variety of such software available. Hence, hiring managers need to be very careful for selecting the most appropriate application tracking software, which can meet the needs of their organization.
While selecting the best application tracking system, the hiring managers often consider various factors or characteristics. Some of these include easier handling, user friendliness of various operating commands, access for the updated information of the candidates, variety of reporting facilities, compatibility with various other applications or software of the organization like CRM, HR, payroll, ERP, etc. Similarly, they consider other factors like the service support, price, brand, etc.
In short, finding the most appropriate application tracking system requires a lot of ground work and study of the organizational needs by the hiring managers. It definitely ensures the best productivity and efficiency improvement in the hiring process.