How Can I Get Rid of Lizards?
- 1). Spray a wide-spectrum bug spray around your house. Lizards eat bugs and by getting rid of their food source the lizards will lose interest in your house.
- 2). Keep a clean house and get rid of standing water. Lizards do not hang out in open spaces; garbage and clutter create places for lizards to hide and feel secure. You want your house to be as inhospitable as possible. Removing drinking sources will discourage lizards.
- 3). Trim bushes around your home. Trimming back bushes, especially near doors and entries to your home will prevent lizards from having a place to hide with access to your home.
- 4). Remove succulent plants from your yard. Lizards will chew on the leaves of succulents to obtain moisture.
- 5). Get a cat. Now that you have eliminated food, water and shelter from your yard, the last step is to get a curious, always-on-duty security guard to stand watch and catch lizards.