The Skills for Women to Protect the Skin round the Neck
Various reasons can cause wrinkles and hurt the skin round the neck. Internal reasons and external reasons can explain the phenomenon. The former one includes the thin structure of the skin, the inadequate secretion of water, and the loss of water and so on, and the latter one includes the lack of good care, the pungent substances like perfume and the friction of clothes.
Ultraviolet rays can cause and worsen the stains. If women do not protect the skin from the strong sunlight, the skin can be seriously hurt. Therefore, the skin experts advise that people should pay attention to the sun-proof care in everyday life. Some experts even advise people to wear sun cream in the morning. In addition, they advise women to stop using bath foam and perfumed soap to clean the neck, which can make the neck dry. The soft cleansing foam is a good choice for women to clean the face and neck. In addition, women can just clean the neck in warm water without cleansing foam. However, the temperature of water should not be too high, or the skin can be stimulated to become aged prematurely.
At the same time, in order to protect the neck skin, women should make full use of the skin products for exfoliation. However, women must be rather careful when they apply the products on the neck. The large particles in the products can easily destroy the render skin round the neck. People can conduct the exfoliation twice a week. In addition, the skin care products of beautifying the skin can also be applied to the neck. But the density of the beautifying compositions should be controlled strictly. For example, hydroquinone can be used to weaken the black spots. The density should be controlled within 2% to 4% when it is applied to the skin round the neck.
In addition, Women can apply the mask to the neck. The nutritional compositions contained in the mask can be absorbed by the neck to resist wrinkles. But the body cream can not be applied to the neck, as the high content of oily fat can not be absorbed by the neck.