The Power of Love
The power of love can make you blind and deaf.
When you are in love, you will not know the difference between right or wrong.
You would see everything as beautiful and rosy all the time.
The power of love makes a person live in a fantasy world.
Then you believe whatever your lover said and did are always right all the time.
Anything your lover does is perfect.
Nothing is wrong with your lover, not even your lover's behavior or action.
Your lover is more than perfect when you are in love.
Don't you think it is strange to see this behavior? In my opinion, it is strange but true for all races and ages.
No matter what other people say or do, it is hard to convince you, who is in a deep love.
Each lover would also do anything for his or her lover.
Each one of them would violate their culture and tradition if they have to.
They forget their parents' warnings or suggestions.
Nobody can give any advice to those two love birds.
If there is no reciprocal love, then this is a dangerous sign.
You love another person who does not love you back.
You may do anything to gain your love, no matter what it takes.
You may kill the person who does not love you because you think, "If I can not have that person's love, NOBODY will".
It is an outrageous attitude that you can not imagine.
The power of those young lovers is so powerful that they are willing to sacrifice their lives when their parents want to break them apart.
They do not care, no matter what happens, they want to be together for the rest of their lives.
Even without their parents' marriage approval, they would dedicate their lives for the true love to each other.
It is strange, but it is true for teenage lovers.
When you are in love, you will not know the difference between right or wrong.
You would see everything as beautiful and rosy all the time.
The power of love makes a person live in a fantasy world.
Then you believe whatever your lover said and did are always right all the time.
Anything your lover does is perfect.
Nothing is wrong with your lover, not even your lover's behavior or action.
Your lover is more than perfect when you are in love.
Don't you think it is strange to see this behavior? In my opinion, it is strange but true for all races and ages.
No matter what other people say or do, it is hard to convince you, who is in a deep love.
Each lover would also do anything for his or her lover.
Each one of them would violate their culture and tradition if they have to.
They forget their parents' warnings or suggestions.
Nobody can give any advice to those two love birds.
If there is no reciprocal love, then this is a dangerous sign.
You love another person who does not love you back.
You may do anything to gain your love, no matter what it takes.
You may kill the person who does not love you because you think, "If I can not have that person's love, NOBODY will".
It is an outrageous attitude that you can not imagine.
The power of those young lovers is so powerful that they are willing to sacrifice their lives when their parents want to break them apart.
They do not care, no matter what happens, they want to be together for the rest of their lives.
Even without their parents' marriage approval, they would dedicate their lives for the true love to each other.
It is strange, but it is true for teenage lovers.