When Expectations Are Unfulfilled

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Disillusionment can grow in any marriage, even if during courtship a man and woman seem to be well matched.
But how can two people who appeared to be made for each other before exchanging marriage vows turn out to be so different afterward? The bible says that those who marry will have pain and grief (1 corinthians7; 28) Often a degree of such tribulation is the result human imperfection.
At times, though,a man or a woman entered the marriage with a number of expectations; most people do.
Meanwhile, you would do well to examine some of the expectations that you might have had about marriage.
For example, some have thought that married life would be filled with romance, such as that described in fairy tales.
Or perhaps you thought that you and your mate would spend most of your time together or that the two of you could work out every disagreement in a smooth, mature manner.
Many have believed that marriage would eliminate the need for self-control in sexual matters.
Because all these common expectations are somewhat unrealistic, they are sure to lead to disappointment.
Another unrealistic expectation is that marriage itself will make a person happy.
Of course, having a partner in life can be a source of great joy (Proverbs18; 22).
Unspoken Expectations Not all expectations are unrealistic.
On the contrary, some involve desires that are valid.
Problems can arise, though, because of certain expectations.
I see spouse get angry with each other because one member of the couple is waiting for a certain desire to be fulfilled, while the mates was never clearly aware of the desire in the first place.
Remember, no matter how compatible you and your spouse may be, you do not share the same outlook on all matters.
Consider matters from anthers perspective.
You and your spouse each brought to your marriage unique expectations based on such things as family background and culture.
As a result, you can be deeply in love and yet not have the same expectations.
Oke Christiana Egut
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