How to Contact Your Ex - Best Ways to Get Back in Touch With Your Ex
With the advent of new technology, there are literally hundreds of ways to help you connect to the one that got away.
Here are some proven methods to contact your ex: 1.
Phone This is the easiest and most accessible method available.
However, depending on the length of time that has passed since your breakup, your ex may still not want to talk to you yet and may even choose to ignore your calls.
The solution - just send a one-line text message or leave a simple message on their voicemail.
A simple "hi" or "hello" will let them know that you still care.
Just remember to limit your messages to 1-2 per week so you don't appear pushy or desperate.
Friend If you have a common friend or if you keep a close connection with one of your ex's friends, this person may be your salvation from miserable "wondering".
Take this friend out for a cup of coffee or a simple dinner and ask for your ex's whereabouts.
You may also send your ex a message through this friend which he/she can relay to your ex when they see each other.
Email Your ex may be getting hundreds of email blasts everyday so you don't want yours to add up to the pile in their Spam Folder.
A funny forwarded email weekly is enough to remind them that you still want to be a part of their life.
Networking Websites If your ex is a terminal lurker in networking sites like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, then you are in luck.
You can easily find out what they're doing each day if they're active on these sites.
Letter or Card If you want to go a little bit romantic, you can try sending your ex a letter or a card.
Keep away from cheesy or overly romantic messages and don't send them flowers or chocolates.
Just a simple greetings card will do.
Either way, this will help dig those feelings up and use it to draw her back into the relationship.
No Contact Until 2 Months Believe it or not, this method is the best method of contacting your ex.
You see, your ex is also emotionally affected by the breakup.
Right now they're feeling pretty vulnerable too.
By giving them time to be alone, you're allowing your ex a chance to heal and miss you.
Being completely without any contact with you will be scary for your ex and when they're by themselves they'll begin to question the breakup.
Over time, they'll find ways to justify getting back together with you again.
If you're lucky, your ex may even try to contact you first.