Video: The Best Exercises to Sculpt Lean Arms
Video Transcript
Hi, my name is Dr. Nina Cherie Franklin, health and wellness expert with And I'm here at the H-F Racquet & Fitness Club in Homewood, Illinois. Often times people ask me, how do I get rid of this, pointing to the backs of their arms. Some people even jiggle their arms for me or wiggle,I mean, in order to emphasize the point. In this clip, I'm going to show you six great exercises for sculpting lean arms. These exercises include, seated overhead extension, the dip, standing curls, hammer curls, the dumbbell press and reverse flies. So, the first two exercises I'll show you are the seated overhead extension and the dip, which both work the triceps located on the backs of your arms. To perform the seated overhead extension, sit on a bench or an exercise ball while holding a dumbbell with both of your hands behind your neck. To complete the movement, extend your arms straight up until they're above your head. For the dip, start by sitting on a bench and placing your hands on the edge, while resting your feet on the floor. To carry out the movement, bend your arms while lowering your hips down. Stop when your elbows are at about 90 degrees or slightly higher. Be sure to keep your shoulders down with your back straight and close to the bench. Straighten your arms three times to the starting position. The next two exercises are the standing curls and hammer curls which mainly work the front of your arm. To perform standing curls, hold the dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing forward. Next, curl the dumbbells towards your shoulders, either simultaneously or alternately. Your elbows should be close to your waist during the entire movement. Hammer curls can be performed while you're standing or seated. Grasp a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing in and then, curl the dumbbell towards your shoulders, either simultaneously or alternately. The last two exercises are the dumbbell press and reverse flies which are great for capping off your arm workout. Giving your shoulders and triceps more tone and definition. To perform the dumbbell press, sit on a bench or an exercise ball with your back straight. This is your starting position. To complete the movement, slowly press your arms to an extended vertical position. Hold for a second and then, return to the starting position in a slow and controlled manner. For the reverse fly, stay in with your feet spread apart and your knees slightly bent. And then, bend forward at your waist while keeping your back straight. Hold two dumbbells with your elbows slightly bent and then, raise them to your sides before returning to the starting position. For each of the six exercises, start with weights that fatigue your muscles between eight and 12 repetitions. In other words, eight should feel like you aren't going to make it to 12, but light enough for you to get there. So, there you have it, six of the best exercises for sculpting lean arms. This is Dr. Nina Cherie Franklin, thank you for watching.