In Love We Live by Tina Jones
From the Artist: I just couldn't make myself paint the classic red hearts. Being a portrait artist, it seemed natural to paint people in this one. A long time ago, someone told me that when I worried about someone to imagine the Universe as having hands as big as a room, and place that person in those loving hands. It helped me let go. They said to leave room there for myself too. It was all a mental image to remind myself that all is being cared for, and I needn't worry.
The message for the painting was that Love, be it from the Universe or from one person to another is life-giving. We thrive in love. I kept everything outside of the hearts cool and warmed up the center to try to show life in the figures when they live within love.
From the Painting Guide: It's definitely not a traditional Valentine's card style painting, but definitely one that conveys a sense of love and symbolism. (I wonder if you could do an Escher-type intertwining with the hearts?)
The message for the painting was that Love, be it from the Universe or from one person to another is life-giving. We thrive in love. I kept everything outside of the hearts cool and warmed up the center to try to show life in the figures when they live within love.
From the Painting Guide: It's definitely not a traditional Valentine's card style painting, but definitely one that conveys a sense of love and symbolism. (I wonder if you could do an Escher-type intertwining with the hearts?)