Free M is for Moon Color Symbol Cross Stitch Pattern - Free Printable Chart
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Pattern Key:
Symbol Floss Color Number
Cross Stitch
$ DMC 433
! DMC 444
F DMC 445
6 DMC B5200
Star Stitch (also known as Couched Cross Stitch)
stars around moon - DMC 444
Back Stitch
_______ DMC 414 (moon outline)
_______ DMC 433 (lettering)
French Knot
• DMC 433
Design Size: 19w by 35h
Stitching Level Required: Beginner
Finished Design Size:
For commonly used fabric counts (in inches):
Stitching Tips: Use one-two strands of floss for back stitch and two-three strands of floss for cross stitch. For higher count fabric, use additional strands of floss as needed.
Helpful Cross Stitch Information:
Pattern Key:
Symbol Floss Color Number
Cross Stitch
$ DMC 433
! DMC 444
F DMC 445
6 DMC B5200
Star Stitch (also known as Couched Cross Stitch)
stars around moon - DMC 444
Back Stitch
_______ DMC 414 (moon outline)
_______ DMC 433 (lettering)
French Knot
• DMC 433
Design Size: 19w by 35h
Stitching Level Required: Beginner
Finished Design Size:
For commonly used fabric counts (in inches):
- 11-count, 1 5/8w by 3 1/8h
- 14-count, 1 1/4w by 2 1/2h
- 18-count, 1w by 1 7/8h
Stitching Tips: Use one-two strands of floss for back stitch and two-three strands of floss for cross stitch. For higher count fabric, use additional strands of floss as needed.
Helpful Cross Stitch Information:
- Cross Stitch Projects
- Cross Stitch Variations
- Free Cross Stitch Pattern A-Z Index
- Terms of Use for Free Patterns
- Tips on Printing Free Patterns