All the Money in the World Can"t Buy You Good Health
All the money in the world can't buy good health...
After watching my mother die a very unpleasant death from bowel cancer, one would have thought that I would have learnt a major lesson.
That is - what goes into your mouth will ultimately dictate your health and well being.
Already diagnosed with a condition that affects my nervous system and balance, I am fairly careful about what I eat and drink.
The results may not immediate, but cause and effect will eventually happen.
Of course, we are all human and like to tempt fate at times.
I am no different.
Perhaps I could blame a viral infection that was sweeping the town, knocking people down like ten pin bowling pins.
However, I do know that I had been having the more than occasional something that I should not be eating.
There was no point in pointing fingers (remember that there are always three pointing back at you).
It was time to take responsibility for my own actions.
The continual effects of a poor digestive system was enough for me to review what I was asking my body to cope with.
The decision to cut out a few things that I knew could be causing my problems (like that yummy chicken skin off the BBQ chicken etc) has made such a huge difference to how I am feeling - both inside and out.
After nearly a week, the difference was amazing and I felt like I could start walking again.
It has been many weeks since I have had the inclination or energy to want to.
As the clock nearly reaches age 50, I want to make sure that my body will last me many more years.
It is the same as your thinking because what you put in is what you will get back.
Having all the money in the world will not buy good health if we don't look after our body.
It does not take very much effort to do the right thing for yourself and cut out what is not considered healthy food.
Go for a walk and get the benefits of even a ten minute walk.
I promise you won't regret it.
If you want to have some confirmation, then go and visit an aged peoples' home and see the results for yourself.
Those who have looked after themselves are likely to be active and walking around.
I am not saying anymore.
One more thing..
don't forget the water - it will hydrate your system (assist to keep wrinkles at bay) and flush any toxins! By Tracey Mulry
After watching my mother die a very unpleasant death from bowel cancer, one would have thought that I would have learnt a major lesson.
That is - what goes into your mouth will ultimately dictate your health and well being.
Already diagnosed with a condition that affects my nervous system and balance, I am fairly careful about what I eat and drink.
The results may not immediate, but cause and effect will eventually happen.
Of course, we are all human and like to tempt fate at times.
I am no different.
Perhaps I could blame a viral infection that was sweeping the town, knocking people down like ten pin bowling pins.
However, I do know that I had been having the more than occasional something that I should not be eating.
There was no point in pointing fingers (remember that there are always three pointing back at you).
It was time to take responsibility for my own actions.
The continual effects of a poor digestive system was enough for me to review what I was asking my body to cope with.
The decision to cut out a few things that I knew could be causing my problems (like that yummy chicken skin off the BBQ chicken etc) has made such a huge difference to how I am feeling - both inside and out.
After nearly a week, the difference was amazing and I felt like I could start walking again.
It has been many weeks since I have had the inclination or energy to want to.
As the clock nearly reaches age 50, I want to make sure that my body will last me many more years.
It is the same as your thinking because what you put in is what you will get back.
Having all the money in the world will not buy good health if we don't look after our body.
It does not take very much effort to do the right thing for yourself and cut out what is not considered healthy food.
Go for a walk and get the benefits of even a ten minute walk.
I promise you won't regret it.
If you want to have some confirmation, then go and visit an aged peoples' home and see the results for yourself.
Those who have looked after themselves are likely to be active and walking around.
I am not saying anymore.
One more thing..
don't forget the water - it will hydrate your system (assist to keep wrinkles at bay) and flush any toxins! By Tracey Mulry