What Are the Benefits of Marshmallow Root?
- Marshmallow root contains mucilate, a substance that becomes slippery when wet. This trait gives the marshmallow plant the ability to treat irritation in the mouth, throat and stomach.
- Marshmallow plants are traditionally used to relieve coughs, sore throats and chapped skin.
- Marshmallow extracts are used to treat skin inflammation, including eczema and psoriasis. Internal inflammation issues, including mouth ulcers, peptic ulcers and colitis, can be treated with marshmallow.
- Diarrhea and indigestion can be treated with marshmallow root.
- Because marshmallow root swells when mixed with fluids, ingesting it as a diet supplement causes the stomach to feel fuller.
- A marshmallow root can be peeled and given to infants to chew on. This reduces the pain and irritation associated with teething.
Cold Symptoms
Digestion Issues
Weight Loss