Itchy Red Skin - What Can Cause Psoriasis Flare Ups?
Skin conditions can be the result of medication side effects, sun damage or hereditary genes handed down through the family tree.
Psoriasis is one such skin condition that has a tendency to run from generation to generation.
It is also unpredictable and can bypass an entire generation and show up again in the grandchildren as they get older.
Psoriasis is a skin condition in which skin cells multiply 10 times faster than normal.
When the skin cells reach the surface they die and because of the amount of cells being produced, they do not shed from the body fast enough.
The cells begin to stagnate on the surface and cause inflamed tissue with a white scaly shell.
Psoriasis typically affects specific areas like the elbow, knee and scalp although other areas of the body can be affected like the bottom of the feet and palms of the hands.
The cause of Psoriasis is thought to be tied to a malfunction of the immune system and can trigger flare-ups during high emotional stress.
Over 75% of patients have reported stressful situations in their lives that corresponded to an increase in red itchy skin that resulted in the crusty patches showing up on their bodies.
These triggers could be the result of a stressful job situation or other life changing event and although symptoms can last for several months, it is usually not life threatening.
Unfortunately, it is an embarrassing condition that can add to high anxiety and can come in cycles over the course of a lifetime.
In summary, if you are seeing an increase in red patchy skin along your elbows and knees, it is best to consult your physician for further diagnosis and treatment.
Psoriasis is one such skin condition that has a tendency to run from generation to generation.
It is also unpredictable and can bypass an entire generation and show up again in the grandchildren as they get older.
Psoriasis is a skin condition in which skin cells multiply 10 times faster than normal.
When the skin cells reach the surface they die and because of the amount of cells being produced, they do not shed from the body fast enough.
The cells begin to stagnate on the surface and cause inflamed tissue with a white scaly shell.
Psoriasis typically affects specific areas like the elbow, knee and scalp although other areas of the body can be affected like the bottom of the feet and palms of the hands.
The cause of Psoriasis is thought to be tied to a malfunction of the immune system and can trigger flare-ups during high emotional stress.
Over 75% of patients have reported stressful situations in their lives that corresponded to an increase in red itchy skin that resulted in the crusty patches showing up on their bodies.
These triggers could be the result of a stressful job situation or other life changing event and although symptoms can last for several months, it is usually not life threatening.
Unfortunately, it is an embarrassing condition that can add to high anxiety and can come in cycles over the course of a lifetime.
In summary, if you are seeing an increase in red patchy skin along your elbows and knees, it is best to consult your physician for further diagnosis and treatment.