How to Uninstall Stuffit Expander
- 1). Open the Start menu by clicking the "Start" button in the lower-left corner of the desktop. Click "Control Panel."
- 2). Access the Control Panel's "Uninstall or Change a Program" utility. Locate the "Programs" section and click on it. Select "Uninstall a Program" to initialize the uninstallation utility.
- 3). Scroll down the list of installed programs and click on "Stuffit Expander." Select "Uninstall," which is located directly above the list of installed applications.
- 4). Select "Yes" to progress the uninstall wizard. When prompted, choose "Yes" and "Next" at the subsequent prompts.
- 5). Allow several minutes for "Stuffit Expander" to completely remove itself from the computer. Click "Yes" to automatically restart the computer.