Step 8 To Winning Back Your Boyfriend - Get Him To Love You Forever
You're excited, thrilled, and relieved to be back in love again.
This is fantastic, but here's where you need to really rein in your enthusiasm for a moment and concentrate on how you're going to keep your new relationship from suffering the same fate as your old one.
Reversing your break up is totally meaningless if you only end up losing him again.
For those still looking for ways to get an ex back, there are a number of previous steps that must be taken.
These are detailed in parts 1-7 of this guide, but they involve first accepting the end of your relationship and then breaking contact with your ex boyfriend...
for a while, anyway.
This will make him miss you, and while he's doing that you'll need to know exactly how to cut away his dating safety net while establishing a life of your own outside of your old relationship.
Once he sees you out there and having a great time with friends, that's when the jealous thoughts - and more importantly, doubts - will begin to creep back into his head.
From there you'll need to very carefully reestablish a connection by eventually contacting your ex boyfriend, or better yet, getting him to contact you.
After a neutral trust is established, there are ways of initiating a seemingly innocent reunion date.
This part's tricky, but here's where you'll plant seeds that will make him want you back (if he doesn't already).
These steps are covered way more thoroughly in other parts of this eight-part guide.
The last step in getting back together with an ex involves building your relationship based on love, not hate.
Way too many couples fall into a pattern of fighting and bickering over stupid crap, each person trying to be the one that's "right" about something.
Forget all that.
Best of all, let your ex know you want to forget it.
Consider yourselves now a team, the both of you working together against the world.
When you're both happy for each other successes and working toward common goals, you'll naturally develop a very strong bond that will keep you and your boyfriend extremely tight.
Over time, this unbreakable bond will build your relationship into an indestructible fortress.
How to keep your boyfriend happy should be no big mystery - it's all a matter of love, respect, and staying excited about being around each other.
Forgive and forget your ex for any past transgressions, and let him know it.
At the same time, he needs to forgive you as well.
If you're both giving this new relationship a second shot, you'll need to tear down the ruins of your old failed romance in order to begin with a fresh start.
Wiping the slate clean is the single most important aspect of getting back together with your ex-boyfriend.
This enables you to reestablish trust, love, and to give each other the breathing room necessary to thrive: both while you're together and when you're apart.