Exercise Good "Acture" to Release Sciatic Nerve Pain
Sciatic Nerve pain sufferers have a pain-university Bachelor of Arts degree...
especially when they are in the middle of a full blown attack! It seems that there is no way to position your body to release this dreaded lower back and leg pain.
Have you ever thought about how you move throughout the day? If you were to build a house, you wouldn't build the roof after putting up just one wall.
The roof would collapse because there's no support on the other side.
Anyone can see that this is ludicrous! So why do some people do this with their own bodies? If you have a tendency to slouch when standing or sitting, you are putting extra weight on your back instead of making sure that your hips are angled upwards and your shoulders are directly above them.
Your body is not resting properly on its foundations.
Here you are looking more like the Leaning Tower of Pizza.
It is very important to realise that correct posture starts from the ground up.
When sitting, if you place your feet too far ahead of you without a backrest, you'll notice that you're forcing your hips to be at a 30 or 45º angle in the opposite direction.
This causes added strain on your lower back.
The same thing happens if you cross your ankles under a chair.
For a Sciatica sufferer, this is painful and will worsen their condition, especially if you retain these positions for any length of time.
When standing one should do so in a way that both feet are taking the weight of the whole body equally, and are not too far apart or close together.
Your legs should not be hyper-extended, but there should be a very slight bend in the knees.
Your hips and shoulders should be in line with your ankles.
Doctor Moshe Feldenkrais would say that your posture should be similar to when you're ready to jump...
ready for action.
Dr Feldenkrais coined this type of posture with the term "acture" This man was not a medical doctor, but a doctor of engineering.
He was the man who invented the Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education which he used on himself first, when a serious knee injury would have otherwise left him with a terrible limp.
He then helped many others overcome many types of physical trauma and Sciatica Nerve pain in the same way with amazing results.
He studied the human body like the machine it is and discovered that if we use it the way it was designed to be used in our movements throughout the day, we can avoid and even cure many health problems leading us to experience a life free from pain and unnecessary suffering.